Management Safety Policy and Decisions Personal Factors Environmental factors Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition Unplanned Release of Energy and/or Hazardous Material Accident Personal Injury Property Damage
Accident Investigation An Accident is any unplanned event that results in personal injury Failure of equipment, people or surrounding to behave or react as expected Accident investigation determines how and why of failure Conduct investigations with Prevention in mind - NOT TO PLACE BLAME
Fact- Finding Interview witnesses Inspect the site take photos,sketch scene Record data on maps get copies of CA-1s get documents that include SOPs, charts
Interview Process Get statements early Locate the position of witnesses on a chart with direction of view Explain why you are interviewing Focus on direct observation, not hearsay Identify qualifications of witnesses Give each witness a copy of report,signed by all parties
Problem Solving Techniques Change Analysis Define the problem Establish what should have happen Identify, locate and describe change Specify what was and what was not affected List Possible Causes Select the most likely causes
Job safety Analysis Problem Solving JSA’s and SOPs are part of an accident prevention program HOW ? By breaking the job into steps, identifying hazard of each step and prescribing a control for each hazard, you prevent accidents
Reporting the Accident 1. Background Information such as who, when, where 2. Account of Accident a. Sequence of Events b. Extent of damage c.Accident or Injury/Illness type d.Agency or Source
Reporting continued Discussion ( Analysis of the Accident) a. Direct causes b. Indirect causes c. Basic causes
Agency or Source Codes ANSI Z , source and OSHA use these injury type and source codes to code injury and identify the direct causes of the accident Examples: Employee slipped on ice,cut hand on rock
Injury code is “Fell on same level” the Agency or source code is “weather” the corresponding codes used on the accident forms. See Appendix B
Reporting… 4. Recommendations for immediate and long term action a. Direct causes- give recommendations b. Indirect causes- give recommendations c. Basic causes
Photographs Overall scene view from witness’s location damaged property vehicle report view from victim’s location