1 Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Welcome to the Session of Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid Bangladesh Institute of Management August 21,2013 Different Methods of Accident Prevention
Contents of the Session Causes of industrial accident and their prevention, Unsafe working condition, unsafe acts, Accident proneness, Direct and indirect losses from accident, Measurement of accidents, Frequency Rate, Severity Rate, Protective measures for accident prevention and measure against occupational hazards. Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013
Concepts of Accidents and Its Prevention Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 In early days, there was popular misconception about accident; accident just happens, these are acts of God; these are shear bad luck of victims. But the truth is “accidents are caused and can be prevented.”
Concepts of Accidents and Its Prevention (cont’d) Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Fundamental safety concepts: Accidents are caused Steps must be taken to prevent accidents The same type of accident with recurs if corrective action is not taken.
Industrial Accident Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 An industrial accident, means an occurrence in an industrial establishment causing bodily injury to a person who makes him unfit to resume his duties in 48 hours.
Industrial Accident (Cont’d) Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 An industrial accident is an unexpected event, which is a sudden occurrence and must arise in the course of employment in an industrial establishment. The consequences of accident, which may be temporary or permanent and may also lead to death of workman.
Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Accidents The anatomy of an Accident Supervisor’s Safety Performance Physical condition of the worker Mental condition of the worker Immediate causes Contributions Causes Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions Results of Accidents Production delays property damage Minor injuries Disabling injuries
Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Direct causes The anatomy of an Accident according to ANSI Poor Management Indirect causes Basic Cause Unsafe acts Accidents fatality and injury property loss Unplanned release of energy or hazardous material Unsafe conditions
Basic Causes of Industrial Accident Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Management Safety Policy & Decisions Personal Factors Environmental factors
Immediate Causes of Accident: Unsafe Acts Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Operating without qualification or authorization. Lack or improper use of PPE Failure to secure equipments Operating equipment at unsafe speed Failure to warn Bypass or removal of safety devices Using defective equipment Use of tools for other than their intended purpose.
Immediate Causes of Accident: Unsafe Acts (cont’d) Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Working in hazardous locations without adequate protection or warning Improper repair of equipment Horseplay Wearing unsafe clothing Taking an unsafe position.
Immediate Causes of Accident: Unsafe Working Conditions Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Inadequate supports or guards Defective tools, equipment or supplies Congestion of the workplace Inadequate warning system Fire and explosion hazards Poor housekeeping Hazardous atmosphere condition (gases, dust, fumes) Excessive noise Poor illumination ventilation Radiation exposure.
Contributing Causes of Accident: Supervisory of Safety Performance Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Inadequate safety instruction. Safety rules not enforced hazards not corrected Safety not planned as part of the Job Infrequent contacts with employee Safety devices not provided
Contributing Causes of Accident: Mental Condition of Person Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Lack of safety awareness Lack of coordination Improper attitude Slow reaction Inattention Nervousness Temperamentalism Lack of emotional Stability
Contributing Causes of Accident: Physical Condition of Person Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Extreme fatigue Deafness Poor Eyesight Hearing condition Crippling or other handicap Physically unqualified
Causes of Accident: Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Causes due to Poisonous Gases, Air etc. Inadequate and ineffective supervision Influence of Alcoholic Drinks or Drugs Accidents due to Electrical Causes.
Causes of Accident: Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Immediate causes Contributing Causes Fall, Slip, Slide, Collision, Being caught in or between, Burn and fatality Annoyance, Production Delays, Reduced Quality, Spoilage, Property damage, Minor injuries and disabling injuries and fatality
Indirect Losses from Accident: Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Payments for settlement of injury or death claims Legal fees for defense against claims Punitive damages that are assessed Costs of rescue operations and equipment Expenditure on emergency equipments Recovery and salvage of damaged equipment and vehicles loss of function and operations increase. Slowdowns in operations while accident causes are determined and corrective actions taken.
Indirect Losses from Accident (cont’d) Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Penalties for failure to take action to correct hazards or defects or conditional that violate statues such as OSHAct (occupational safety and health Act) standards. Corrective actions to prevent recurrence of an accident Degradation of efficiency of operations because of loss of experienced and trained personnel. Trained costs for replacement. Lost time of personnel other than those involved in accident and follows ups.
Indirect Losses from Accident (cont’d) Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Lost time of personnel other than those involved in accident and follow-ups. Obsolescence of parts for equipment destroyed. Degradation of morale Loss of public confidence and there fore revenue. Loss of prestige.
Accident Prevention motives Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Three fundamentals reasons for understanding safety programs:- Moral Legal Economic
Factors influencing errors in Human Performance Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Environment Worker Capability Skill Training Motivation Physical Condition Errors in Human Performance Performance Evaluation Standards
Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Accident Cause Classification Total Number of Accidents=551 a.Human Factor, 55% (303) i.Mis-operation, 29% (162) ii.Result of Poor supervision, 15% (77) iii.Unsafe Acts by workers, 6% (33) iv.Incomplete Check, 5% (30) b. Physical Factor, 39% (216) i.Poor Maintenance, 30% (167) ii.Inferior design, 5% (26) iii.Defective Fabrication, 4% (23) c. Others 6% (32) : i. Act of God, Unknown causes ii. Outside disturbance and iii. Others
The common reasons behind an accident: Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Management through Supervision Controls Man-Failure : Knowledge-Attitude-Fitness-Ability Which causes or permits Unsafe Mechanical or Physical Conditions Unsafe Acts of Persons Which causes Accidents: 2% unpreventable; 98% preventable
Classification of Accidents Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 As per ILO According to Agency According to the nature of the injury According to the bodily location of the injury According to Probability types of accident i.Frequent ii.Probable iii.Occasional iv.Remote v.Improbable
Agency Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 The agency is the object or substance which is most closely associated with the injury and which in general should have been properly guarded or adjusted: Machines, Pumps and prime movers, Elevators etc.
Agency Part Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Agency part is the particular part of selected agency, which is closely associated with the injury, and which is general was defective or not properly guarded: Belts, Pullers, Chains Cables, Moving parts, Ignition, heating or cooling systems parts, Frame, bed valves, gaskets packing and safety devices.
Unsafe Mechanical or Physical condition Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Improper guarded agencies Defects of agencies Hazardous arrangement/procedure in or around the selected agency. Improper illumination Improper ventilation Unsafe dress
The unsafe Personal Factor: Improper Attitude Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Willful disregard/ignorance of instructions Violent temper Absent-mindedness Willful intent to injure Fearful, Nervous, excitable Reckless, Lazy, Disloyal Oversensitive, Jealous, impatient Intolerant, over confidence Failure to understand instructions
The unsafe Personal Factor: Lack of knowledge or Skill Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Insufficiently informed Misunderstands Indecisive not convinced of need
The unsafe Personal Factor: Bodily defects/Physical unsuitability Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Hearing, sight Age, Sex, Height Illness Allergy Slow reaction, crippled Physical handicap Intoxication
Cost of Accident: Direct Cost Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Payment of compensation to workmen for the injuries. Medical benefits to injured employees. Loss due to waste of materials. Loss in the production of goods and services. Cost of training the newly employed workmen.
Cost of Accident: Indirect Cost Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, 2013 Illness of the employees which is forced because of injury. Reduction in earning capacity of a disabled workmen. Cost of time lost in resuming production and stoppage of work by others workmen. Agitations by trade unions and employees. Loss of profit to organization due to reduction in the quality of output. Expenses incurred on overheads Loss of orders from customers Legal cost.
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