“You Are Not An Accident” Mark Iles School4Prophecy March 2015
Introduction The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren What on Earth am I here for Day 2: You are not an accident Foundations to the work of the cross Good foundations = Mature lifestyle “A ground breaking manifesto of the meaning of life.” May 152Mark Iles, School4Prophecy
Made by God We were made by God Ps 139:13-16 You made me Ps 119:73 Your hands made me Acts 17:26-28 We are his offspring Strong counter cultural message “There are illegitimate parents, but there are no illegitimate children.” May 153Mark Iles, School4Prophecy
Made for Relationship We are made to be in relationship Ps 100:1-5 We are his people Eph 1:4-5 Adopt us into his own family John 1:12 Children of God The Cross is about relationship not law “We were made to be loved by God” May 15Mark Iles, School4Prophecy4
Made Unique We were made one of a kind! 1 Cor 12:12-14 Made up of many parts Rom 12:4-6a Given us different gifts Eph 2:10 We are God’s workmanship We were made to be different “Introduction to S.H.A.P.E. in Day 30.” May 15Mark Iles, School4Prophecy5
6 What is S.H.A.P.E. Identifies a custom set of capabilities S = Spiritual Gifts H = Heart A = Abilities P = Personality E = Experiences We are God’s masterpiece Eph 2:10