Road safety and speed management – Highlight on an EU funded program implemented in Romania by UNTRR Istanbul, 11 May 2011 Roxana Ilie Project coordinator, Internal&External Affaires, UNTRR (c) IRU Academy 2011
Road safety and speed management – Highlight on an EU funded program implemented in Romania by UNTRR 1.Highlight on the EU funded project implemented by UNTRR 2.Road safety and speed management program 3.Next steps (c) IRU Academy 2011
1. Highlight on the EU funded project implemented by UNTRR 1.1. Project presentation 1.2. Project objectives 1.3. Training programs (c) IRU Academy 2011
1. 1. Project presentation Project title: "Adaptability for increasing the competitiveness of road transport sector in Romania" The project is co-financed by European Social Fund – Sector Operational Program for Human Resources Development for a 2 years period, until Concepts: Adaptability involves the creation of internal capacity of companies to develop well trained human resources, inclusive by specialized professional training, focused on the new technologiesAdaptability involves the creation of internal capacity of companies to develop well trained human resources, inclusive by specialized professional training, focused on the new technologies Flexicurity is a strategy to approach the new concepts of flexibility and security of the labor market, by combining the flexibility of contractual procedures, security of labor force employment and by management adaptability in transition periods.Flexicurity is a strategy to approach the new concepts of flexibility and security of the labor market, by combining the flexibility of contractual procedures, security of labor force employment and by management adaptability in transition periods. (c) IRU Academy 2011
1. 1. Project presentation Target groups(beneficiaries): Group 1: employers/managersGroup 1: employers/managers Group 2: employeesGroup 2: employees General: relevant authorities and social partners of road transport sectorGeneral: relevant authorities and social partners of road transport sector 6 development regions of Romania: Bucharest-IlfovBucharest-Ilfov South MunteniaSouth Muntenia North-EastNorth-East North-WestNorth-West WestWest CenterCenter (c) IRU Academy 2011
1.2. Project objectives To RAISE AWARENESS regarding the necessity to increase the adaptability/flexicurity To IMPROVE THE MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIES by introducing new technologies, modern organizational solutions and best European practices for managers ; To PROVIDE IMPROVED COMPETENCIES in compliance with performance and security standards and with national and European legislation requirements for employees; To INFORM ABOUT THE BEST EUROPEAN PRACTICES concerning the adaptability/modern organizational solutions/Eco- efficiency/safety; To inform and make RECCOMANDATIONS CONCERNING RELEVANT EU AND ROMANIAN LEGILSATION IN ROAD TRANSPORT SECTOR. (c) IRU Academy 2011
1.3.Training programs Free training programs provided by UNTRR for Romanian road transport employers, managers and professional drivers in the following fields: Driving and rest time rules and tachograph training Road safety and speed management Eco-driving Human resources management for road transport companies Train of trainers program, certified by Romanian National Qualifications Authority. (c) IRU Academy 2011
2. Road Safety and Speed management program 2.1. Program’s Objectives 2.2. Training modules 2.3. Current Results (c) IRU Academy 2011
2.1. Program’s objectives Increase road safety by increasing the awareness and training of the traffic participants Reduce the number of road accidents by learning the procedures to avoid certain types of accidents (theory) and analyzing the wrong traffic behaviours (practice) Procedures to be taken in case of road accident in order to reduce the loss and costs for a road transport company (c) IRU Academy 2011
2.2. Training modules Training modules: Theory module Practical module Training programs for road safety and speed management 1 day training program for professional drivers = theory module + practical module ½ day training program for transport managers = theory module + practical module (c) IRU Academy 2011
Theory Module - Road safety and speed management System Man-Vehicule-Road (MVR) System Man-Vehicule-Road (MVR) Vehicule Factor: Ensure the good technical state of the vehicle Vehicule Factor: Ensure the good technical state of the vehicle Braking system Braking system Direction system Direction system Driving systemDriving system Passive security system of passengers inside the cabinPassive security system of passengers inside the cabin Man factor, essential element in ensuring the stability of the MVR syst. Man factor, essential element in ensuring the stability of the MVR syst. Professional drivers’ role in road safety Professional drivers’ role in road safety Road transport company’s role in road safety Road transport company’s role in road safety Road factor Road factor Road signsRoad signs Road wearRoad wear Weather conditionsWeather conditions (c) IRU Academy 2011
Practical Module - Road safety and speed management (c) IRU Academy 2011 Practical exercises and case studies: Examples: Exercise 1: Analyse of a past road accidentAnalyse of a past road accident Exercise 2(drivers’ traing): Discussions on the road accidents in which the trainees were involvedDiscussions on the road accidents in which the trainees were involved Exercise 3(managers’ training): Analyze the road accidents in which a transport company has been involved in the past.Analyze the road accidents in which a transport company has been involved in the past. Practice during the exercise: ANALYZE THE ACCIDENT: causes,mistakes made, factors involved, correct behaviour LEARN AND DISCUSS THE PROCEDURES to be followed in case of an accident By driver, at the spot of the accidentBy driver, at the spot of the accident By transport companyBy transport company
2.3. Current Results 15 training programs for road safety and speed management organized in all the 6 Romanian development regions since Oct 480 professional drivers and transport managers trained trained 4 regional meetings with social partners (c) IRU Academy 2011
3. Next steps 1000 professional drivers and transport managers by the end of the project Regional and national events to promote project activities, including road safety and speed management program Future perspectives: Road Safety Assistance and “PREVENT” Program (c) IRU Academy 2011
Road Safety Assistance and “PREVENT” Program Technical assistance provided by UNTRR in the field of road safety* A: Preventive activities B: Technical assistance in the case of road accidents * UNTRR has qualified personel for providing these services at high professionalism: -technical expert authorised by Romanian Ministry of Justice in the field of traffic accidents; technical and judiciary expertises up to now. (c) IRU Academy 2011
A. PREVENTIVE ACTIONS ROAD SAFETY AUDIT : -Assessment of the accident risk of the road transport company -Assessment of the accident management capacity - Professional drivers evaluation; + road safety training for the personnel involved in road safety And/OR And/OR INTEGRATED SOLUTION : ROAD SAFETY PROGRAM - PREVENT ROAD SAFETY PROGRAM - PREVENT – assistance in the implementation of PREVENT Program in the scope of road transport companies – assistance in the implementation of PREVENT Program in the scope of road transport companies (c) IRU Academy 2011
“PREVENT” Program 1. RISK FACTORS FOR EACH TYPE OF TRANSPORT Vehicle factor : type of vehicle, type of goods Man factor: particular age, education, temperament Time factor: particular time of the day/ day of the week/ month of the year Space factor: most frequent accident places 2. SWOT ANALYSIS Streanghtens, weaknesses, opportunities and threatens in the field of fleet safety 3. PERSONALISED PROCEDURES FOR FLEET SAFETY Job description for each employees responsible for road safety; List of specific procedures for each type of transport; Planning; communication; process validation; identification and traceability 4. PERSONNEL’s EVALUATION Periodical professional assessment of the employees responsible for road safety (c) IRU Academy 2011
B: Technical Assistance in the case of Road Accident INVESTIGATION ON THE SPOT OF THE ACCIDENT: A mixt TEAM (1 transport company representative + 1 UNTRR representative) will urgenly go to the accident spot to examine the circumstances and vehicles involved A mixt TEAM (1 transport company representative + 1 UNTRR representative) will urgenly go to the accident spot to examine the circumstances and vehicles involved PRELIMINARY EXTRAJUDICIARY TECHNICAL EXPERTISE REPORT: To clarify the circumstances of the accident; JUDICIARY ASSISTANCE : In the case of injured persons/fatalities; TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - DAMAGES: Damages evaluation and technical consultancy for closing the damage files of inssured vehicles (c) IRU Academy 2011
Thank you for your attention! (c) IRU Academy 2011