2 CONTENTS 1.Regulations goals and requirements 2.Incidents and accidents analysis during decommissioning
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”3 TRAINING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of training trainees should be able to: Describe the main requirements concerning emergency planning during decommissioning. List the incidents and accidents which have been analyzed in decommissioning safety reports for a specified nuclear facility (for example: KNPP decommissioning safety assessment report – incidents and accidents during preparation for safe enclosure).
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”4 REGULATION Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy: requirements for development of internal and external emergency plans; requirements for review, coordination and approval of plans; requirements for organizational structure, financing, material, technical and staff assurance; obligations of licensees and permit holders in case of accident. Regulation for emergency planning and emergency preparedness in case of nuclear and radiation accident: conditions and system for development of emergency plans; individuals applying emergency plans and their obligations; measures for mitigation and elimination of consequences; methods to notify population; measures to verify emergency preparedness.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”5 EMERGENCY PLANNING – DEFINITION, OBJECTIVES AND REQUIREMENTS Definition Activity for setting in an emergency plan a system of measures for restriction and elimination of accident consequences and for establishment and maintenance of emergency preparedness. Objectives Restriction and mitigation of accident consequences for human health, quality of life, property and environment. Internal emergency plan: measures to restrict and eliminate the accident consequences; staff functional obligations for actions in case of accident; interaction with executive authorities in accordance with the external emergency plan.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”6 RESULTS FROM EXECUTION OF EMERGENCY PLANS Take control over accident development; Restriction and/or elimination of accident consequences; Prevent occurrence of deterministic health impact on staff and population; Duly and appropriate treatment of exposed individuals; Decrease the probability of occurrence or restriction of stochastic health impact on population; Prevent or restrict occurrence of non-radiation risks for staff and population; Preservation of property; Preparation for social and economic life restoration.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”7 INTERNAL EMERGENCY PLAN – REQUIREMENTS OF REQULATIONS Analysis of possible accidents in a nuclear facility, resulting in radioactive release into environment, considering data from radiation and meteorological measurements Analysis of radioactive substance releases into environment during accidents and assessment of impact on staff, population and environment Development of scenarios for accident development
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”8 “KOZLODUY NPP” EMERGENCY PLAN – PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES Purpose – to establish organization ensuring: maintenance of continuous emergency preparedness of “Kozloduy NPP” staff; achieving maximum effectiveness of: accident management and restriction its consequences; measures for protection of “Kozloduy NPP” staff and the environment.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”9 EMERGENCY PLAN – SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS, EMERGENCY STATES Sequence of actions at: beyond the design basis accidents; events that may lead to non-design basis evolution of accident; exceptional events in result of human activity off “Kozloduy NPP” site, natural disasters, fires, floods and others violating NPP security and safety. Emergency situations according to “Kozloduy NPP” emergency plan: general emergency; site area emergency; alert.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”10 INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Technical project for “Kozloduy” NPP units 1&2 decommissioning covers the incidents and accidents during: phase of final reactor shutdown; phase of safe enclosure preparation; phase of safe enclosure operation. Incident and accident classification: abnormal operating mode; accidents during the phases of safe enclosure preparation and operation; beyond the design basis accidents.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”11 DECOMMISSIONING PHASES CHARACTERISTICS In terms of nuclear safety: risk is dramatically decreasing; operator does not need to undertake neither automated nor urgent corrective actions. In terms of radiation protection – risk is decreasing phase by phase due to: fuel is removed from core; most radioactively contaminated systems and equipment are decontaminated; removal of radioactive contaminated equipment.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”12 INCIDENTS/ACCIDENTS DURING DECOMMISSIONING PHASES Incidents/accidents during phase “Safe enclosure preparation”: loss of spent fuel cooling capability; accidents at fuel handling; loss of spent decontamination solution. Incidents/accidents during phase “Safe enclosure operation”: exhaust ventilation systems filter break due to undefined reason.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”13 CONCLUSIONS Incidents and accidents shall not result in general emergency or site area emergency. Countermeasures against risk associated with fuel assemblies storage in spent fuel pool are considered in emergency plan.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”14 REFERENCES Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors, Safety Guide, SS № WS-G-2.1 (1999) Generic Assessment Procedures for Determining Protective Actions during a Reactor Accident, IAEA- TECDOC-955 (1997) Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, 2002 Regulation for Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness in Case of Nuclear and Radiation Accident, 2004 Technical project for decommissioning of Units 1, 2 of NPP “Kozloduy” Emergency Plan of Kozloduy NPP