Using Effective Practitioner within a busy Accident and Emergency Department. Project leads: Sadie Wilson – Charge Nurse A&E Stephanie Staines – Deputy Charge Nurse A&E NES Practice Educator – Claire Bryson
Project Ensuring Person Centred Care for Patients with Dementia within Accident and Emergency. Why do this project?
How did we use Effective Practitioner Used the Dementia clinical practice activities to look at the environment. Used the Dementia Activities as a starting point for staff education. Used the supplementary resources to further support staff education.
Challenges Staff pressures Clinical pressures ‘ One of the benefits of Effective Practitioner are the clinical practice activities, all are reasonably quick to undertake and are linked to KSF’
What's next? Continue with staff education Use what we have learned to influence the ‘new build’ Future improvements including –Cognitive testing to identify patients with dementia and delirium. –Development of a frail elderly pathway.
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Using Effective practitioner to support Pressure Ulcer Prevention.
Project Aims Identify activities that support PU prevention. Develop learning packs for staff. Use the learning to inform practice.
What worked well? Identifying learning. Relating the learning to changes within the area. Record of learning.
Challenges/learning. Clinical Pressures. Backfilling of staff. Trying to target all staff.
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