Contents Introduction Condition of Marine Transportation Causes of Marine/Launch Accidents Why Number of Deaths More in Bangladesh How to Reduce Number of Accidents How to Reduce Number of Deaths Responsibilities of General People Conclusion
Introduction Bangladesh Land of rivers Rivers Most safe transportation system Contributing for transportation systems In Bangladesh gradually reducing opportunities Misleading and lack of knowledge Avoiding rules and regulations Increasing accidents and no of deaths Reluctant of this transportation Gradually die off these rivers
Basic Idea Operational conditions and accident
Condition of Marine Transportation About 6,000 km navigable water ways About 5,500 registered & Many unregistered vessels
Condition of Marine Transportation Very poor condition Safety and pollution Unfit for any traveling
Causes of Accidents in Bangladesh Design defects Operational defect Structural defects Production defects
Causes of Accidents in Bangladesh Design defects Design by people who don’t have enough knowledge Required different analysis (stability analysis) Accident by sink age the vessel Results Heeling vessel Unstable
Causes of Accidents in Bangladesh Operational defects Overloaded Unskilled crew Violate rules Results Out of control during operations
Causes of Accidents in Bangladesh Structural defects /production defects Example plate thickness Welding Placements of materials Results Leakage Breakdown Finally entering water into vessels
Why Number of Deaths More in Bangladesh Due to lack of awareness of the passengers Lack of guidance by crew Lack of opportunities to exist from vessels ▫Improper design and structural positions ▫Protective the exist ways Extra materials on the way Curtain on the ways
How to Reduce Number of Accidents Proper design Built the vessel according to proper design Trained up the crew and personals Strictly applying marine rules and regulations
How to Reduce Number of Deaths during Accident Increase the awareness of the passengers Proper awareness and guidance of crews Carrying based on capacity of the vessel Remove obstacle on the exists Rapid rescuse team
How to Reduce Number of Death and accidents Required systematic and planning actions ▫Short term ▫Midterm ▫Long term
Short Term Banned the unfit vessels Distribute the instructions with tickets ▫Essential responsibilities during accidents How to save themselves How to help others Briefing before start journey No obstacle on the ways Rapid rescue team near danger area
Midterm Actions Training up the crew Build up infrastructures for regular rescue team
Long term Actions Develop the systematic design for vessels Develop the proper building process Develop the applicable rules and regulation
Responsibilities of General People Only govt. and ship owners are not responsible ▫General passengers/ people grow up awareness About the responsibilities during journey During accidents
Conclusion The number of accident and death can be reduced ▫Proper design and building the vessels ▫Skilled crews ▫Awareness of the crews and passengers This transportations can be popular
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