CARS AND YOU AT NAU! Shari Miller, JD Student Legal Counsel
NAU S TUDENT L EGAL C OUNSEL O FFICE You can obtain legal advice from a lawyer Your student fee pays for this service; there is no additional charge The office is on the 2nd floor of the Union in ASNAU’s office For an appointment, call
CARS Do research: On the car itself (Carfax, etc.) The value of the car (Kelley’s Blue Book) The cost of insurance (check with a local insurance agent) The dealer (google for consumer comments), etc. It is a bad idea to buy a car with another student
CARS Arizona does not have a “cooling off” period or 3-day right to cancel a car sale It may be safer to buy a used car from a dealer because there is a warranty Get everything in writing and read it all before agreeing to buy Don’t buy a car unless the seller’s name is on the title
CARS For detailed information before you buy, visit this website:
CARS Insurance Issues –Must purchase automobile liability insurance if you own a car in Arizona This covers any damage YOU do in an accident It DOES NOT cover damage to your car –“Collision and Comprehensive” covers the car Minimal coverage offers just that
CARS Good idea to buy uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage which covers injuries to you or your passenger –Is generally inexpensive Carry proof of registration and a current insurance card in your car at all times
CARS Parking Services at NAU –Follow all parking rules –Don’t buy/borrow a parking permit On Craig’s List From a fellow student –Violations of parking regulations are serious and expensive
ACCIDENTS If you are in an accident: –Stop your car as soon as it is safe –Pull your car out of traffic so that it is not blocking the road –Call police
ACCIDENTS –If police say that they are coming, stay at the scene until police tell you it is ok to leave –If you leave an accident, you may be arrested later on by police
ACCIDENTS Injury accident - AZ law requires: –Stop –Stay Leaving may result in: –Felony conviction (may have immigration consequences) –Lose license for up to FIVE years
ACCIDENTS Must stay until: –Driver’s name, address and registration # given –Driver’s license is shown to injured parties, if requested –Provide reasonable assistance to injured party or get injured party to treatment, if requested
ACCIDENTS –Exchange information with other driver Name Address Phone number Insurance company information –Get name, address and telephone number of all witnesses