Marc Baumgartner
1983 FANS Committee EATCHIP 1996 Free Route ATM Global concept WTT 2002
1983 FANS Committee EATCHIP 1996 Free Route ATM Global concept ASBU WTT 2002
12th Air Navigation Conference7 Aviation System Block Upgrades
The whole ATM system will be performance based, and changes based on performance cases (which includes safety cases and business cases) A high level of automation will be required in meeting the highest ATM performance requirements Air Traffic Control (reactive, tactical) will be replaced by Air Traffic Management (proactive, strategic) Management by trajectories will form the basis of all the controllers activities Airspace will be dynamic (move around) UAV in non-segregated airspace Less controllers needed. Local / Regional Implementation Airports will be controlled from remote facilities Completely automated systems Service provision will be decoupled from infrastructure management High predictability in extended TMA (Metroplex) versus freedom of movement in the rest of the airspace Cyber security will be integral part of the design of the future infrastructure New financial models will be the norm
New Aerodrome Tower concepts An example: Remote tower operations
DeploymentDevelopment Strength Weakness – 8 years of involvement of IFATCA in SESAR Involved Outdated technology Too many work packages Volunteers One R&D programme ACAS XACAS X SafetySafety DLS EMPLOYEES PCP
22 Attribute 1 European ambition Attribute 2 Bring forward the ambition Attribute 3 Level playing field Attribute 4 A stepping stone legal framework 1999 start of SES process COM (1999) 614 -Functional separation -FAB -Comitology -Change the role of NSA -Create SESAR, EASA -Etc SES I regulatory package 2009 SES II regulatory package 2013: SES II+ ?
Liberalisation of Aviation 1998 Establishment Performance Review Commission 1997 Revised Convention 1999 start of SES process COM (1999) SES I regulatory package 2009 SES II regulatory package 2013: SES II+ ? 1960 Creation of Eurocontrol 1995 Establishment of CFMU EU EU EU EU Creation of SESAR (2007) Creation of EASA (2008) Designation of PRC – PRB (2010) Designation Network Mgt 2011 Creation NM Board 2011 EC accession 2008 Centralisesd services EC High Level Agreement 2012 Deployment manager
5-13 new institutional actors 24 EU EU EU EU Establishment of NSA, functional seperation, ownership Infringement procedures
- Small airports - Big airports, regrouping smaller airports in vicinity and the airspace needed to provide an efficient service (like an air craft carrier group – or a Metroplex area) - Regional or flow driven “en-route” centres - One European oceanic centre - One Network Manager
European Institutions Several European Institution with real technical expertise and sufficient resources with “policing” rights will assume the following functions: - Regulation, certification and supervision in matter of safety of: o The ATM service providers o The airspace users (all categories) o The service providers o The technical systems - The development of technological standards (European RTCA) - The delegation of operational services - The negotiations and establishment of the technical service provision - The management of the European network (NM) And - Accident and incident investigation - Management of European research