THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT Health and Safety Awareness for Heads of Divisions and Other Management Units, below School level, including Principal Investigators (PIs)
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT UK and European Health and Safety Law University Health and Safety Policy Management structure and responsibilities The role of the Head of Division/Unit/etc. Sources of help and guidance Summary
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT UK Health and Safety Law The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 UK Health and Safety Regulations ( present) - HSC Approved Codes of Practice - HSE Guidance Notes and other booklets Health and Safety and the Law
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT EC Health and Safety Law Commission of the European Communities EC Directives Transposition National Health and Safety Law Health and Safety and the Law
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT Health and Safety Executive - Routine and Specialist Inspections - Accident Investigations Compliance Letters Improvement Notices Prohibition Notices Criminal Prosecutions Enforcement Agencies
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT University’s Liability Insurers - Liability Surveys & Reports - Claims Investigations University’s Insurance Brokers - H&S Management Audit and Compliance Audit Programme - Input to Health & Safety Policy Advisory Agencies: Civil Law
THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH HEALTH and SAFETY DEPARTMENT To access the next part of the training course, University health and safety policy and management structure, please click the link below: Session 2: Policy and management structure Return to Index Page