H ABIT 3 – P UT F IRST T HINGS F IRST Freshman Advisory, April 2015 ***The content in this Power Point is based on 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
P ACKING M ORE I NTO Y OUR LIFE Have you ever packed a suitcase and noticed how much more you can fit inside when you neatly fold and organize your clothes instead of just throwing them in? The same goes for your life……..
T HE T IME Q UADRANTS Two Ingredients: Important Things– your most important things, your first things, activities that contribute to your mission and your goals. Urgent Things – pressing things, in-your-face things, activities that demand immediate attention. We spend time in four different time quadrants. Each quadrant contains different kinds of activities and is represented by a type of person.
T HE T IME Q UADRANTS UrgentNon Urgent 1 – The Procrastinator Exam Tomorrow Friend Gets Injured Late for Work Project Due Today Car Breaks Down 2- The Prioritizer Planning, Goal Setting Essay Due in a Week Exercise Relationships Relaxation 3- The Yes-Man Unimportant Phone Calls Interruptions Other People’s Small Problem Peer Pressure 4- The Slacker Too Much TV Endless Phone Calls Excessive Computer Games Mall Marathons Time Wasters Important Not Important
N OW YOU WILL CREATE SKITS Number students off 1-4. This is now your quadrant group. Obtain your copy of the quadrant material and move to your quadrant group. Make up a little skit to illustrate your type of person to the class (skit should be 2-3 minutes). You will present during the next advisory period.
S KITS Have Fun!
H OW TO S PEND M ORE TIME IN Q UADRANT 2 Use your planner! Plan Weekly Identify your big rocks (the most important things) Block out time for your big rocks Schedule everything else Adapt Daily Does it work? – Share teen stories on page 116 if time allows (copy provided).
T HINGS YOU C AN DO TODAY ! Set a goal to use your planner for one month. Identify your biggest time wasters. Make a goal to give up one of them, or modify time spent on it. Are you a “pleaser,” someone who says yes to everything and everyone? If so, have the courage to say no today when it’s the right thing to do. If you have an important test in one week, don’t procrastinate and wait until the day before to study. Step up and study a little each day. Note your ten most important “big things” for the upcoming week. Now, block out time on your schedule to accomplish each one.