* General Fund * Ad Valorem proceeds assumes 3% Taxable Value growth at the current millage rate of * Minor fluctuations in Utility Service taxes, Franchise fees, and CST * Fire Assessment remains at $145 per year (residential) * Significant increase (+$466k) in plan review fees (General and Fire) due to anticipated construction projects * Red Light Violation revenues continue to decline (-$50k) * Consolidation of building permit fee structure and accounts * Fee revisions in Planning & Zoning and Parks & Recreation * Filing Fees/Lien Search revenue increased $50k due to volume projections Fund Adopted FY 2012/13 Request FY 2013/14Difference General$48,585,825$48,904,795$318,970
REVENUEAdopted FY 12/13 Projected FY 12/13 FY 13/14 Request Difference Ad Valorem$20,019,148$19,617,349$20,617,952$598,804 Utility Service Taxes/Other taxes $6,180,072$6,222,000$6,197,000$16,928 Franchise Fees$2,632,464$2,582,474$2,584,471-$47,993 Fire assessment$5,481,651 $5,497,708$16,057 State Shared$2,855,000$3,030,530$2,982,920$127,920 Permits, general government $2,437,122$2,438,918$2,090,989-$346,133 Public Safety/fines$3,404,970$3,500,863$3,419,970$15,000 Charges for service$3,008,269$2,991,989$3,025,631$17,362 Other$2,567,129$2,652,033$2,488,144-$78,985 Total$48,585,825$48,517,807$48,904,785$318,960
6 * Sanitation * No rate change recommended * Water * Increase due to projected impact fees associated with construction projects * No rate change recommended * Stormwater * No rate change recommended * Sewer * Increase due to projected impact fees associated with construction projects * No rate change recommended Fund Adopted FY 2012/13 Dept Req FY 2013/14Difference Sanitation$ 5,337,000$ 5,333,400($3,600) Water$12,066,266$14,295,747$2,229,481 Stormwater$ 2,049,360$ 2,060,856$11,496 Sewer$11,817,229$14,353,140$2,535,911
REVENUEAdopted FY 12/13 Projected FY 12/13 FY 13/14 Request Difference Franchise fee$246,000$240,000 -$6,000 Charges for services $4,997,000$5,013,500$4,986,000-$11,000 Other$94,000$94,235$107,400$13,400 Total$5,337,000$5,347,735$5,333,400-$3,600 REVENUEAdopted FY 12/13 Projected FY 12/13 FY 13/14 Request Difference Impact fees$10,959$368,330$2,112,240$2,101,281 Charges for services $11,933,307$11,948,307 $15,000 Other$122,000$44,877$235,200$113,200 Total$12,066,266$12,361,514$14,295,747$2,229,481
REVENUEAdopted FY 12/13 Projected FY 12/13 FY 13/14 Request Difference Charges for services $2,042,760$2,053,356 $10,596 Other$6,600$14,707$7,500$900 Total$2,049,360$2,068,063$2,060,856$11,496 REVENUEAdopted FY 12/13 Projected FY 12/13 FY 13/14 Request Difference Impact fees$14,696$487,350$2,564,600$2,549,904 Charges for services $11,711,593$11,723,000$11,737,000$25,407 Other$90,940$92,248$51,540-$39,400 Total$11,817,229$12,302,598$14,353,140$2,535,911
The City conducted 4 Budget Awareness Town Hall Meetings in February and March 2013 Citizens were presented with the 9 strategic priorities the City Commission had adopted at their visioning workshop They were given 3 dots and were asked to select their top three priorities The results are as follows…….
Northwest Quadrant Northeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant
Top Three Strategic Priorities: Safety, Security, Comfort Implementation of enhanced policing practices to increase visibility and ensure positive interaction with residents and business owners. Evaluate the value of a “pet friendly city” Program. Evaluate the effectiveness of the red light traffic camera program. Quality of Life and Services Improve the City’s recycling Program. Continued Investment in Schools. Local Jobs Small business and resident-friendly permitting, inspections, deposits and fees. Reduced Transaction time. Priority Utilization of local businesses and residents for contracts and subcontracts, jobs and work from developers. Tangible community benefit for all development projects. Budget Awareness Town Hall Results
Emphasis for Hallandale Beach over the next 2 years: Overall flow of traffic in the City City’s efforts to prevent crime Visibility and frequency of police in neighborhoods City’s stormwater drainage system 2013 Citizen Survey Findings