X marks the spot!
The Coordinate Plane Lesson 1
Geometric quadrant with plumb bob. A quadrant is an instrument that is used to measure angles up to 90°.
The coordinate plane is formed by two number lines in a plane that intersect at right angles. The point of intersection is the zero on each number line.
1 -1 1 -1
The two number lines are called the axes. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis. The vertical axis is called the y-axis.
The two axes divide the coordinate plane into four quadrants. The point where the axes intersect is called the origin.
Where am I? D Name the quadrant and the ordered pair for each point: B.__________ C.__________ D.__________ E.__________ A C E B
Questions Can someone tell me what are some of the common uses of the coordinate plane? http://www.miniclip.com/games/battleships/en/