Minnesota Enterprise Lean
Enterprise Lean A coordinated state government initiative for improving organizational performance and results in Minnesota's state government agencies
Approach Lean/Kaizen events –Six Sigma tools –TQM philosophy Tools and training to help state government work better for its customers and employees.
What is LEAN? Maximize customer value Minimize waste Empower workers Derived from Toyota Production System
Foundational Elements of Lean 7 wastes 5S Standard work
7 Wastes Overproduction Waiting Transportation Processing Inventory Motion Defects
5s Method for organizing work space –Sort –Shine –Set in order –Standardize –Sustain
Before 5S
After 5S
Standard Work A simple written description of the safest, highest quality, and most efficient way known to perform a process or task. The only acceptable way to do the process it describes. Expected to be continually improved
Kaizen = change for the better Identify the current state Develop the future state Implement improvements immediately Standardize the process Train on the new process Track sustainment
Selecting a Kaizen project Affects many stakeholders/customers Consumes a lot of resources Is highly visible to stakeholders/ customers Is clearly not working well Is a core business process Has leadership support Has worker support
A Kaizen team Facilitator Sponsor Team leader Members No rank – all members have equal voice
Kaizen process Day 1 – current state swim lane map Day 2 – future state swim lane map Day 3 – make and document changes Day 4 – document and train on standard work Day 5 – present results
Swim Lane Map
Define the scope Walk the process Document the process Characterize the process Include time, people, tasks
Swim lane tips Move chronologically left to right Use post-it notes Hand-offs indicate a lane change Hand-off usually indicates wait time Assign average times to tasks and waits
Sustain Improvement Overall improvement plan Visible and engaged management Clear roles and responsibilities Accountability for work Communication about improvement A system to support standard work
Newborn Screening Kaizen Event Ensure that infants who screen positive for metabolic, genetic, or hearing disorders are referred for diagnostic confirmation receive appropriate intervention and receive long-term follow-up services. It will start at the point that the lab provides a presumptive positive.
Current state Dried Blood Spot Process CurrentFuture QtyTimeQtyTime Tasks hrs Waits2151 days Handoffs36 Decisions11 File/stores26 Total time52.5 days
Early hearing detection and intervention process CurrentFuture QtyTimeQtyTime Tasks hrs Waits days Handoffs35 Decisions12 File/stores32 Total time58.3 days
Observations of Current State Lots of handoffs Lots of double storage Lots of re-entry of data Redundancy – some good, some bad We are contacting the same people There are necessary waits in the process We are waiting on people outside our agency It is hard to completely map these processes There is a lack of trust in the data systems
Recommendations Set up tools (Quickplace, sharefolders, case conferences) to promote better communication Redesign the process, train staff in LIMS, and document standard work Develop Access database. Long-term create a functional, child-based, interoperable system for MDH and its stakeholders. Clarify roles in the process and share key information Institute case conferences
Future State Dried Blood Screening Process CurrentFuture QtyTimeQtyTime Tasks hrs hrs Waits2151 days723 days Handoffs3615 Decisions112 File/stores268 Total time52.5 days23.65 days
Improvements from new process 59% reduction in tasks 66% reduction in waits 58% reduction in handoffs 81% reduction in decisions 69% reduction in file/stores 56% reduction in cycle time
Future state hearing detection/intervention CurrentFuture QtyTimeQtyTime Tasks hrs hrs Waits days days Handoffs3523 Decisions126 File/stores3211 Total time58.3 days22.7 days
Improvements from new process 49% reduction in tasks 54% reduction in waits 34% reduction in handoffs 50% reduction in decisions 65% reduction in file/stores 61% reduction in cycle time
Benefits of Future State Save some trees and staff sanity Families are better and more efficiently served Will be able to move forward with more initiatives Will have more time to be proactive instead of reactive Laid the groundwork for future changes Staff will be used more effectively, and less frustrated
day Action Plan ActionwhowhenComplete Provide LTFU access to Update Registry Chris X Training in LIMS for LTFUAmy X Assure LTFU staff have access to LIMS Barb X Update and/or create audio-related forms Kirsten X Create LTFU Access databaseMaggi e X – Aug 09 Create standards for data itemsAllison X Determine if GCs can track in RegistryAmy X
day Action Plan, Continued Actionwhowhencomplete Create Work Space rooms for blood spot transfers/hearing QA /H & V Amy X – hearing not possible Write a SOP for the HPRs for Blood Spot Julie X Update SOP for the HPRs for Hearing Chris X Write script for HPRs to find PCPAmy X Finish SOP for LTFU hearingNicole Yaoli X Standardize availability/location of procedures Chris/Bar b X Case conference/set up schedule for future Amy X -ongoing Implement new processChris/Bar b X - ongoing
What must we and the agency do to implement and sustain this effort? We need to have follow-up meetings of this group through implementation and evaluation of the new process Maintain respectful and open communications at all levels We need management and staff support We need some IT resources to implement new process
For more information… Kim McCoy Office of Public Health Practice Minnesota Dept of Health
Service Contracting Kaizen Event Erin Barkema Iowa Department of Public Health 33 Quality Improvement in Iowa
Why a Kaizen event? 34 Customer concerns about the service contracting process Grant application process Issuance of contracts Reimbursement of expenses
Pre-event activities 35 Identified a facilitator Identified participants Developed a charter Scope Objectives Goals Gathered data
The Event - November 2-6, Agenda Overview of Kaizen Flow charting Brainstorming Identifying a new process Results Assigning homework Gaining buy-in from leadership
Flowcharting 37
Brainstorming 38 7 ideas for improvement 7 different ways to implement main idea
Brainstorming 39 Small groups Discuss options Identify solutions Prioritize solutions IIII IIIV IMPACTIMPACT DIFFICULTY
New Process 40
Homework 41 Twenty-three steps identified on a variety of topics Training curriculum Policies and procedures Standardized forms Use of technology Communication plan Measures to determine change or improvement Assigned to members of the team Due dates established
Buy-in 42 Report outs to Deputy Director throughout the week. Presented the results of the week to the IDPH Executive Team. Developed a newsletter to keep people informed of the progress.
Post-event activities 43 HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK!!! Follow-up meetings 30 day* 60 day* 90 day* 120 day 150 day 6 month* Communication C ELEBRATION !
Accomplishments & Lessons Learned 44 Accomplishments Implemented an electronic document library Provided training to over 101 IDPH staff on the new service contracting process Completed 90% of homework assignments to date Lessons learned Kaizen was a great team building experience. Large scale quality improvement work takes time. Improved processes and increased satisfaction will be worth all of the hard work!
Questions 45
Information 46 Service Contracting Process Contact Information: Erin Barkema Iowa Department of Public Health (515)