Stranded The interactive “choose-your-own-adventure” game.
You are on a plane when suddenly you feel the plane jerk, twist, turn, and fall down. You see the plane filling with water so you hold your breath and go under the water to try and find the door. You find it and open it up. As water is rushing in you are able to squeeze out and float up to the surface. You find out that you are in the middle of the ocean but you can barely see the shore. You see a piece of the plane and hold on to it to stay afloat. What do you do? Keep holding on to The debris and wait For a boat to pass by. Try and swim to Shore
You decide that you don’t want to swim to shore so you hold on to some of the debris as you wait for a possible boat to pass by. Hours pass…and still no boat. And you are feeling very tired. So you decide to you should get to shore somehow. But how?? Swim as fast as you can Swim slowly
You decide that you should try and swim to shore so you take a deep breath and begin to swim. Your moving your arms for what feels like forever, but the shore doesn’t seem to get closer. Suddenly, you feel something brushing on your feet! You freeze!! You feel it again. And again. And again! You feel like there's a shark about to take a bite out of you. So you… Swim as fast You can to shore Stay frozen and Wait for it to Leave
You stay there, frozen and you have no idea what to do. You keep feeling the strange thing every once in a while. A few minutes later you see a dolphin jump in the air! You are so relieved and decide to swim to shore as fast as you can. You are so tired. Swim as fast You can to shore
You decide to swim as fast as your arms can go. After a while you finally reach the shore. And you lay a while on the beach because you are so tired. You drift off to sleep. As you awake up … the sky is dark and the stars are out. Your stomach is growling. So you decide that you need to find something to eat. You search the beach for something that looks edible when you come upon a mysterious looking box. It almost looks as if it could be a cooler. You don’t know if you should open it…. But you open It anyways You leave it there. Who knows whats In it.
Days go by.. You are starving and can barely walk anymore. So you take one final stroll around the beach and find the mysterious looking box. You decide that you have nothing left to lose and you open it up. But you open It anyways
You open it up and find a flashlight, blanket, food, drinks, books, fire-starter kit, and a cell phone. You jump for joy! You call your mother and a few days later you are back in beautiful Ohio. Go home