Improving the lives of children with special needs and their families The Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund Safe Kids Worldwide Child Injury Prevention Conference October 14-18, 2008 – Washington DC Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water JPMF Make-a-Splash: Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water
Improving the lives of children with special needs and their families The Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund How it all Came About… Joey Pizzano, a wonderful 6-year old child with a developmental disability, died in a tragic drowning accident in His bright smile and love of life touched many people and his family founded the Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund (JPMF) to celebrate his life and carry on his memory. The mission of JPMF is to “improve the lives of children with special needs and their families”.
Improving the lives of children with special needs and their families The Joey Pizzano Memorial Fund How it all Came About… The Make a Splash program was designed to share Joey’s love of water with other children with special needs. The program teaches individuals with disabilities to “be safe and have fun in and around the water”. The program is based on 5 safety rules developed specifically for individuals with disabilities.
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program This unique program is geared toward children and young adults with special needs pairs volunteer “swim buddies” with each participant based on 5 basic safety rules has an accompanying activity and program guide exposes participants to a life long leisure activity keeps kids safe!!!
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program A unique program for a unique population
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program The 5 Basic SAFETY RULES are the FOUNDATION of Make a Splash Always Swim with a Buddy No Running, No Pushing STOP…LOOK…LISTEN When the Lifeguard Blows the Whistle Blow bubbles when under water Stand up, put feet down when in trouble
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program RULE 1 : Always Swim with a Buddy Sample Activity from guide: Title: THE MATCH GAME (Animal Noises) Materials: Participant and swim buddy Procedure: At the beginning of the session, designate an animal noise that only the two of you will have (quack, moo, woof, etc.) Suggestions: Do it at random & planned times
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program RULE 2: No Running, No Pushing “when you run, you can’t have fun. When you push and shove, you don’t show love. No push, no run, be safe, have fun!” Sample Activity from guide: Title: RECITE THE RULES JINGLE Materials: Participant and swim buddy Procedure: First recite the jingle and have Them listen, then have them join in Suggestions: Try the jingle in a round Strategies for when running occurs: Have participant show you how a turtle walks Remind them of quiet feet Repeat the jingle Notify staff member, have them sit out awhile
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program RULE 3: STOP…LOOK…LISTEN When the Lifeguard Blows the Whistle Sample Activity from guide: Title: FREEZE SWIM Materials: Radio, whistle, lifeguard (preferable but not a must) Procedure: Play music from the radio and have the participants Swim and dance to the music. Then cut the music off and simultaneously blow the whistle. When this occurs The participants stop, look, and listen to whoever blew the whistle Suggestions: Use cues such as pointing to the person who blew the whistle to get them in the habit of looking where the sound came from. “Stop, look and listen when the whistle blows. First you use your eyes and ears, and then you do as you are told.”
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program RULE 4: Blow bubbles when under water “Head below, bubbles blow” Sample Activity from guide: Title: PING PONG CATCH Materials: A ping pong ball and straws Procedure: Play pass with a ping pong ball (without straw) By floating the ball on the water and practicing Blowing it back and forth to each other. Suggestions: If the activity gets too easy, try it with a straw
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program RULE 5: Stand up, put feet down when in trouble Sample Activity from guide: Title: “ROCK-A-BY-BABY” Materials: Participant and swim buddy Procedure: Have the swim buddy cradle their participant in their arms and swing back and forth while singing. When the song is over, drop the participant from just above the surface into water to have them practice putting their feet on the ground. Suggestions: Stand over the participant with your hands under the water ready to pull them up at a moments notice if they are not finding their footing right away.
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program VOLUNTEERS are KEY to the Success of Make-a-Splash 1 to 1 ratio ensures that individuals of varying abilities are being met, can adapt lesson plans Exposes and educates the community on individuals with disabilities JPMF funds lifeguarding certification classes for volunteers, thus increasing awareness among future lifeguards
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program The program can look different at different locations, but there are certain components that every make a splash program must follow: Make a Splash Program Requirements 5 JPMF Safety Rules Program Curriculum & Activity guide Adaptable lesson plans Trained instructor to lead the class ENTHUSIASM!!! Volunteers – swim buddies
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program Positive Impacts of JPMF Make a Splash Increases the number of individuals with disabilities that are safe in and around the water Increases confidence and independence of swimmers Introduces new leisure skill to improve health and well being Teaches a lifelong leisure skill they can participate in as a family Connects volunteers to the community
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program The JPMF Make a Splash Water Safety Program in partnership with Fairfax Co. Department of Community and Recreation Services was first piloted in 2001 with 50 swimmers at one site. Over the next 7 years, the program developed and built popularity. It is currently offered at 12 sites and has served over 3,000 children with special needs. JPMF is ready to EXPAND into new areas… Recent completion of Activity Guide and Program Guide New Make a Splash Grant Program Make a Splash Growth in Fairfax County Accompanying training video in development
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program Why Make a Splash in your neighborhood? There is a need… An estimated 5000 children, ages 14 and under are hospitalized due to unintentional drowning related accidents each year There is an Increase in individuals being diagnosed with disabilities each year There is a growing trend in serving individuals with disabilities in their own community
Learn to be safe and have fun in and around the water The JPMF Make a Splash Program Why Make a Splash in your neighborhood? AND there is an easy solution… JPMF has done the legwork for you It’s proven to be a successful program Comes with a polished and comprehensive program curriculum and activity guide JOIN OUR TEAM!!!
Thank You! For more information visit JPMF Make a Splash Grant applications can be found at: