2694 Bishop Drive, Suite 275 San Ramon, CA
2 Agenda What is a Softswitch? The Softswitch Market Opportunityand Challenges The International Softswitch Consortium (ISC) »Mission »Working Groups »Membership Questions & Answers
3 What is a Softswitch? A softswitch (a.k.a. call agent, call server or media gateway controller) is a device that provides, at a minimum: Intelligence that controls connection services for a media gateway, and/or native IP endpoints. It has the ability to select processes that can be applied to a call. It can provide routing for a call within the network based on signaling and customer database information. It has the ability to transfer control of the call to another network element. It provides interfaces to and supports management functions such as provisioning, fault, billing, etc.
4 SIP-T The Softswitch at Work Softswitch Cellular Station Media Gateways IAD with DSL/Cable Modem Digital Cross Connect SS7 Gateway SS7 Application Servers Q.931/Q.2931 H.323 SIP MGCP MEGACO SIP MGCP The softswitch will play a strategic role in the next- generation public network infrastructure for voice, video and data communications Softswitch
5 Circuit-switch vs. Softswitch Software, hardware and applications solutions typically come packaged in a single (proprietary) box. Non-standard solutions are expensive to implement and leave little room for innovation. Circuit-Switched Transport Hardware Call Control & Switching Services & Applications PROPRIETARYPROPRIETARY Solutions are open standards- based products, and can come from multiple vendors. Customers are free to choose best-in-class products to build their network. Open standards enable innovation and in the long run can reduce costs Soft-Switched Transport Hardware Softswitch Call Control Services, Applications & Features (Management, Provisioning and Back Office) Open Protocols APIs
6 The Softswitch Market Opportunity Softswitch System Revenue (Yankee Group) Service revenue from deployment of softswitches is estimated to be 5 TIMES greater, growing to over $19 Billion in 2004 (International Data Corporation)!
7 The Softswitch Potential
8 The Softswitch Challenges Lots of protocols! (e.g. MGCP, MEGACO, SIP, SS7, H.323, Q.931/Q.2931, DiffServ, RSVP, RTP, RCP, MPLS, 802.1p, etc.) From lots of standards bodies (e.g. ITU, IETF, FRF, ATM Forum, IEEE, etc.) Being implemented by lots of players All chasing an evolving architecture Under legacy regulatory conditions (e.g. tariffs, co-location, certifications, etc.) In a global marketplace The effort needs some real coordination to fulfill the promise!
9 International Softswitch Consortium
10 The ISC Mission To promote worldwide compatibility and interoperability of softswitch operation through an open membership policy, a commitment to open standards and protocols, sponsored interoperability events, and by maintaining a forum for the identification, discussion and definition of softswitch components and functions.
11 ISCs Organizational Structure Application Architecture Carriers Device Control Marketing Session Management SIP 12 Directors (elected from and by the ISCs membership to terms of one year) who serve as the chief architects for all specifications produced by the ISC Appointed by the Board to handle the organizations daily business Board of Directors Executive Director Technical Advisory Council Working Groups
12 Application Working Group Gateway Switch SS7 Circuit SS7 Gateway Softswitch Packet SCP AS Open Application Servers Circuit/packet conversion Echo cancellation Audio processing Terminate SS7 A/F-links SS7/IP to other devices Provisioning Services Routing Call Control Adopts interfaces for access and control of the basic and enhanced services functions of a softswitch, Evaluates existing APIs and protocols to determine a suitable starting point for an extensible softswitch services interface Goal is multi-vendor interoperability of services and softswitches
13 Architecture Working Group Transport Plane Control Plane Application Plane Data Plane Logical Port Function Switching Function Adaptation Function Signaling G/W Function Media Gateway Control Function Leg Control Function Connection/Bearer Control Function Session Control Function Service Logic Function Gatekeeper/Proxy Function Database Function Management Plane Advances an overall architecture for a softswitch that encompasses all functions and interfaces Interacts with others ISC working groups to identify architectural requirements and strategies Objective is softswitch independence from the underlying transport
14 Carrier Working Group Facilitates the development of a Service Level Interface that permits end-to-end management of QoS parameters, call connection, billing and settlement costs, and other essential functions Identifies necessary test processes and measurements Selects network/protocol analyzers that meet measurement requirements Goal is multi-carrier and multi-vendor interoperability of softswitches Circuit Packet Circuit Packet
15 Device Control Working Group Continuously reviews advancement of the MGCP draft specification for providing input to the IETF to identify ambiguities and desired enhancements May submit other proposed standards for consideration by the IETF Objective is interoperability of independently developed softswitch devices through a single, well- recognized and clear standard
16 Marketing Working Group Increases general market awareness and acceptance of next-generation softswitch-based networking capabilities Objective is to pursue on-going promotional and educational activities that complement the marketing efforts of ISCs member organizations
17 Session Management Working Group Effort includes set of requirements and potential protocol tensions, long with "Best Current Practices" documents outlining a proposed architecture, data format and transport protocol for session-specific information Goal is to promote interoperability of network management and mediation across independently developed switching, gateway and border element devices
18 SIP Working Group Addresses the collaboration of multiple softswitches, during the setup and teardown of calls, using the Session Initiation Protocol Scope of work involves two essential areas: –Signaling of packet-based IP networks –Interworking of IP-based network signaling with PSTN signaling
19 ISCs Membership
20 Value to ISCs Members Attendance at developers conferences and events Exposure to market requirements and available offerings A chance to leverage developments on related fronts Early awareness of advancements in standards activity A convenient means to help establish strategic partnerships A chance promote vendor/provider-led initiatives Risk reduction through market smart decisions Ability to shape short- and long-term directions Opportunity to influence implementors agreements Use of industry-leading reference implementations Access to the multi-vendor interoperability test lab Formation of diverse set of best-in-class solutions
21 All levels of membership enjoy the same voting rights and privileges ISC Membership Options Full Membership »Large Company (gross revenues exceeding 50M USD) Annual dues of 50,000 USD »Small Company Annual dues of 5,000 USD Affiliate Membership »Non-commercial organizations (e.g. educational institutions) »Annual dues of 5,000 USD
22 Conclusion The softswitch opportunity is HUGE for both system suppliers and service providers Successfor both the industry and individual players requires navigation of uncharted waters Enter the International Softswitch Consortium The ISC is helping its members design, develop and deploy the next-generation network The ISC is already the industrys largest and most powerful driving forceand growing If voice-over-packet/frame/cell is in your future, then the ISC is for you!
23 Questions & Answers