Speaking about seasons and the weather
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. Example: It is hot.= It’s hot. It is summer.= It’s summer. hot sunny windy cold snowy cloudy
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. sunny hot windy cold snowy cloudy
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. sunny hot windy cold snowy cloudy
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. sunny hot windy cold snowy cloudy
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. sunny hot windy cold snowy cloudy
Look at the pictures. Guess the meaning of the words. sunny hot windy cold snowy cloudy
Well done!
Try again…
Say why you like / don’t like summer(winter, spring/ autumn). I like/ don’t like summer, because… it’s green. it’s sunny and fine. it’s rainy and cloudy. it’s nice it’s hot. it’s warm. it’s snowy. it’s cold and snowy.
Say why you like / don’t like summer(winter, spring/ autumn). I like/ don’t like spring, because… it’s green. it’s sunny and fine. it’s rainy and cloudy. it’s nice it’s hot. it’s warm. it’s snowy. it’s cold and snowy.
Say why you like / don’t like summer(winter, spring/ autumn). I like/ don’t like winter, because… it’s green. it’s sunny and fine. it’s rainy and cloudy. it’s nice it’s hot. it’s warm. it’s snowy. it’s cold and snowy.
Say why you like / don’t like summer(winter, spring/ autumn). I like/ don’t like autumn, because… it’s green. it’s sunny and fine. it’s rainy and cloudy. it’s nice it’s hot. it’s warm. it’s snowy. it’s cold and snowy.
Say what you can do in different weather. Use the words from the box.
When it’s rainy, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
When it’s snowy, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
When it’s warm, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
When it’s windy, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
When it’s hot, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
When it’s sunny, I can… dive and swim draw pictures read books ski and skate walk in the park play with my friends
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