All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals M OVEMENT Animals walk, swim or run Plants move when they open and close petals or move towards the sun
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals R ESPIRATION Breathing: Animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen.
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals S ENSITIVITY Plants are sensitive to light and gravity Animals are sensitive to many things such as noise and light.
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals G ROWTH
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals R EPRODUCTION Babies! Plants and animals can make more of themselves
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals E XCRETION All living things give off waste, for example sweat or go to the toilet!
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals N UTRITION Food. Animals need to eat food. Plants make their own food using light.
All plants and animals have these things in common plantsanimalsplantsanimals SUMMARY -Movement -Respiration -Sensitivity -Growth -Reproduction -Excretion -Nutrition You can remember them easily if you remember this name: Mrs Gren You can remember them easily if you remember this name: Mrs Gren
PRACTICE There are seven characteristics of living things : feeding, movement, breathing or respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction. There are seven characteristics of living things : feeding, movement, breathing or respiration, excretion, growth, sensitivity and reproduction. feeding movementbreathing or respirationexcretion growthsensitivityreproduction feeding movementbreathing or respirationexcretion growthsensitivityreproduction Some non-living things may show one or two of these characteristics but living things show all seven characteristics. Some non-living things may show one or two of these characteristics but living things show all seven characteristics. Non-living things can be divided into two groups, those which were once part of a living thing and those which were never part of a living thing. Non-living things can be divided into two groups Non-living things can be divided into two groups Do you want to try this quiz? Click here here