ROBOTUNA By: Ricky Garvie Dyl a n Kaplan Devin post
The Design by: Dylan Kaplan The RoboTuna Is a complex device used to study the way fish swim underwater. The RoboTuna’s body was built to be lightweight witch didn’t happen in the end. The tail moved left and right like the actual blue fin tuna. The RoboTuna’s skin was made of a material called Lycra. Lycra is a type of foam it has a hard out side and a soft inside. The RoboTuna had 4 fins on its body. The fishes tail is moved by a motor which is almost completely silent
Past and Future Work By : Ricky Garvie The Past: They ran three tests on this robot. One: They checked the actuators, sensors and control software while the RoboTuna was parked on the dock. Two: In this test they tested the ability of the RoboTuna to swim. Three: They tested the speed and agility of it swimming. The Future: There is Two problems put in questions that need to be solved in the future. One question is: How will you fix the flaw in the back of the tuna as it swims? The second is: What is the changes in the body-wave/tail-foil parameters on this flow?