Coscoroba Swan By: Ashley Ms. Weinberg
Coscoroba Swan
Why I Chose My Animal? I chose my animal because I love it`s lovely snow- white feathers. It`s red beak reminds me of the warm fire on a cold winter`s night.
Appearance A Coscoroba swan has many amazing characteristics. They are graceful white birds with red-orange beaks. They have small button eyes and little black circles around the eyes. They also have “pink” webbed feet! Their webbed feet help them swim away from predators. These appearances are amazing, but, Coscoroba swans have to use these to help it survive in the wild.
Habitat Have you ever wondered where a Coscoroba swan lives? Coscoroba swans live in southern parts of South America. They would prefer shallow waters such as: ponds, lagoons, swamps, etc. They sometimes live in parts of South America that are not southern! Coscoroba swan’s habitat keep it safe during every single day!
Diet Coscoroba swans are fast-eating-vegetarians. They eat small fish, insects plant matters, tiny invertabrates, etc. At the zoo, romaine lettuce and waterfowl pellets. They also eats bit of shrimp and krill. After all, Coscoroba swans eat many more and so do other animals.
Family A Coscoroba swan has an amazing and very cool family. A female Coscoroba swan lays three to nine eggs in just one day! A few days before hatching, the cygnets call out from inside the eggs! Also the female leaves the nest to get food for her young. With a family this big, a Coscoroba swan can survive easily.
Predator/Prey/Adapt The Coscoroba swan can be a predator to some and a prey to others. Coscoroba swans have very few enemies other than us humans. Some animals eat their eggs. They have other predators, such as foxes, j jaguars, and sometimes; bears, coyotes, otters, and mountain lions. With this many dangers Coscoroba swans have to keep their family safe.
Interesting Facts There are many interesting facts about Coscoroba swans. In the wild, Coscoroba swans live on an average of seven years of age but they can reach twenty! They also have another name called onomatoeeic (onu-mate-toy- ik) which means white beauty, Coscoroba swans need care if they want to kept or adopted. But these interesting facts are supposed to make this swan different to others!
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