WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live in Africa. My habitat is the scrublands. I eat sheep, goats, donkeys and horses. My loudest call is a cackling howl. No sound byte I am a hyena’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live everywhere except Antarctica. I’m dangerous. I have a long tail. I have six legs. No sound byte I am a scorpion’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live all over America. My habitat is the rain forest. I look a lot like a leopard. I have spots. ounds/leopard.mp3 I am a jaguar’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live in Africa and Asia. My habitat is the mountains. I have whiskers. I am yellow, black and white. s/sounds/leopard.mp3 I am a leopard’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live in Canada. My habitat is the coastline. I can fly. I am black and white. sounds/bald_eagle.mp3http:// sounds/bald_eagle.mp3 I am a bald eagle’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live everywhere except Antarctica and the desert. I am an endangered species. My habitat is the tropical forest. I fly in the night. bats.mp3 I am a bat’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I’m fully grown at one year. I live in Eastern and Southern Asia. My habitat is the scrublands and rain forests. I travel in a group. No sound byte I am a dhole’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I live everywhere except Australia and Antarctica. I have black spots. I have brown eyes. I have big whiskers. nds/lynx.mp3 I am a tigrina, or tiger cat’s mother.
WHOSE MOTHER AM I? I am yellow and black. I make honey. I live everywhere except Antarctica. I have a stinger. I make a buzzing sound. No sound byte I am a bee’s mother.
Resources Zoological Society of San Diego. (2004). San Diego. Retrieved on October 15, 2008 from