Report Card for the World By Lin Carlson and Joanne Dufour Monitoring Progress Toward Meeting the Millennium Development Goals
Objective Provide information and resources on MDGs that can be used with students in the classroom. Provide information and resources on MDGs that can be used with students in the classroom.
Content Introductions Introductions Assessment Assessment Overview of MDGs Overview of MDGs Classroom Activity Classroom Activity Resources/ websites Resources/ websites
Assessment Activity - Instructions
UN Millennium Development Goals 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
MDGs continued 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership for development
We are now at the midpoint between the adoption of the MDGs and the 2015 target date. So far, our collective record is mixed. The results presented in this report suggest that there have been some gains, and that success is still possible in most parts of the world. But they also point to how much remains to be done. There is a clear need for political leaders to take urgent and concerted action, or many millions of people will not realize the basic promises of the MDGs in their lives. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General
1. Decrease Extreme Poverty by Half Worldwide, the number of people in developing countries living on less than $1 a day fell to 980 million in 2004 – down from 1.25 billion in UN Millenium Development Goals Report mgoals/pdf/mdg2007.pdf
. World Bank Global Monitoring Report 2007
2. Universal Primary Education 2. Universal Primary Education In developing countries, enrollment has increased to 88% in The number of children out of school fell from 103 million in 1999 to 73 million in 2006.
Sub Saharan Africa has made progress but still falls short of global progress Sub Saharan Africa has made progress but still falls short of global progress
3. Promote gender equality and empower women When a country educates its girls, its mortality rates usually fall, fertility rates decline, and the health and education prospects of the next generation improve. World Bank Global Monitoring Report 2007: Confronting the Challenges of Gender Equality and Fragile States
Employment opportunities for women are slowly increasing
4. Reduce child mortality 4. Reduce child mortality In 2006, for the first time in recent history, the total number of annual deaths among children under the age of five fell below 10 million, to 9.7 million. (UNICEF Report 2008) Most die from causes that are readily preventable or curable with existing intervention.
UNICEF Report 2008
5. Improve maternal health 5. Improve maternal health Proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health care personnel has increased between 1990 and World Bank Global Monitoring Report 2007
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
The incidence of tuberculosis is leveling off globally, but the TB is much more likely in developing regions.
7. Ensure environmental sustainability UN Millenium Development Goals Report The proportion of the population using improved sanitation is increasing.
8. Develop a global partnership for development In 2005, aid rose to a record $106.8 billion due to large debt relief operations.
Donors Percentage of GNI in 2005 UN Target: 0.7%
Lesson Plan Activity Lesson Plans and Resources Manual for Teachers Overview Students read a story about a girl in a developing country and find passages that intrigue, perplex, excite, or enrage them. They have the opportunity to lead a discussion as they become the teacher, inviting other students to comment on a quotation. After students have had their interest piqued, you place all issues facing the girl in columns that correspond to the eight MDGs and give a brief didactic lesson about the formation of and need for the MDGs, and their importance to the world. Student Voices Against Poverty The Millennium Campaign Curriculum Project 2.1: The History of the Millennium Development Goals
Thanks to the following groups. If you use these materials, please give credit to the source. MDG Video from Good Magazine Pictures and logos from United Nations Development Program and Global Citizens Network volunteers Puget Sound Millennium Goals Project RESULTS Presenters Contact Information: Joanne Lin Carlson