TIDI Research Methodologies Module Rural Research – Exploring whose reality? Dr Fiona Meehan, 11 Nov 2009
Drawing on research conducted in Tigray, northern Ethiopia
Focus this session….. Brief introduction to research conducted, incl. purpose, approach and methodology Lessons learnt/issues arising from the research process Participatory identification/discussion of challenges in planning and conducting field research
Research origins and purpose Research issue Gaps in information and understanding about Impact of development interventions, what’s changing at household level In aiming to reduce poverty, what works, what doesn’t work and why
Dual purpose research: To assess the existing level of food security in REST operational areas (baseline study) To develop a greater understanding of what was happening at household level by exploring inter households differentials, with a particular focus on female headed households. (PhD)
Thesis objectives Develop representative profiles of rural household livelihoods in Tigray, differentiating female headed from other households and identifying locality related differentials. Identify and analyse significant factors in household livelihood outcomes and outcome differentials. Assess livelihood outcomes in relation to household poverty levels and livelihood vulnerability. Examine the local level institutional arrangements that influence rural livelihoods in the study area. Develop a set of proposals for promoting sustainable growth in smallholder livelihoods, which can reach and include the poorest rural households.
Research methodology Household survey, questionnaire survey - 90 hhs x 20 administrative districts, 1,800 hhs in total - analysed using SPSS Focus group discussions, male and female farmers Interviews - local administration, women’s associations, bureaus Case study one administrative district
Issues arising from the research process How genuinely objective can any socio- economic research be? Every researcher has conscious and unconscious world views, values and assumptions which shape their study and influence the data collection and analysis process
Particular challenges in exploring other people’s realities might incl. Our own conscious and unconscious assumptions Assumptions, skills and interests of others involved in the research process, including field research assistants, interviewers Lack of a common language, including differences in understanding of concepts and terminology as well as dependence on language interpretation Diversity within as well as between cultures in the research area
Whose is the ‘real’ reality? Whose answer counts? Different and even conflicting perceptions of what appear to be the same situation or issue reflect equally valid realities, some of the most interesting insights and realisations emerge from recognising and exploring these differences
Issues around methodology Which comes first, the research question/s or the methodology? Should the research issues and questions determine the methodology or does the methodology shape the study?
Either/or? Continuum? QuantitativeQualitative Top down Participatory Blueprint Process
Rationale for mixed method.. Range and depth of information Quantitative without qualitative can tell you what people do, what they think, but rarely will it tell you why Triangulation of results – qualitative exploration can be crucial in minimising mistakes in interpretation of results Qualitative can be informed and complemented by quantitative