THE FUTURE OF WORLD OIL SUPPLIES David Long Oxford Petroleum Research Associates CGES Retreat, November
…the fundamental decision – whose oil reserves are going to be developed to what extent and in which order. Paul Frankel, Oil: The Facts of Life, 1962
…whose oil reserves?
…to what extent? Sources: DeGoyler & MacNaughton, BPSR, CGES
... and in which order?
How much oil is needed?
How much oil can be produced? Ultimately recoverable reserves (URR) of conventional oil
Two contrasting views Ultimately recoverable reserves (URR) of conventional oil
World oil liquids supply billion barrels Cumulative production701 Known oil reserves890 Undiscovered Total (without growth) Reserves growth Total (with reserves growth) Heavy/extra-heavy oil Bitumen/tar sands Total (with unconventional) 2560 – 4003 Natural gas liquids ~200 Oil liquids yet-to-be produced Oil shales ~14,000
Hubbert’s peak
World oil production peak delayed… Conventional oil only – excludes NGLs and unconventional sources Source: CGES
…by around 20 years 1% demand growth 2% demand growth Conventional oil only – excludes NGLs and unconventional sources
Opec vs Non-Opec Source: US Geological Survey, Mean URR, 2000
But non-Opec peak is closer … Conventional oil only – excludes NGLs and unconventional sources
… leaving a growing supply gap …
… to be filled with whose oil?
It all depends on the oil price Opec Known oil reserves Non-Opec
The economic facts of life >$20/bbl – Opec loses market share, supply gap filled by non-Opec crude and unconventional oil. $15-20/bbl – Opec holds market share, high-cost non-Opec and unconventional oil not economic. $10-15/bbl – Opec gains market share, falling non-Opec supply, unconventional not economic. <$10/bbl – only large low-cost Opec fields are economic, no new non-Opec investment.
A persistent paradox “Much of the low-cost oil stays underground, whereas the higher-cost variety is being produced up to its technological limit.” Paul Frankel, Postscript, 1988
THE FUTURE OF WORLD OIL SUPPLY David Long Oxford Petroleum Research Associates CGES Retreat, November