Quadrupole Magnetic Design for an Electron Ion Collider Paul Brindza May 19, 2008
Achieving Small Crossing Angles Achieving small crossing angles requires a creative sharing of space inside SC quads with the nearby Ion or Electron beams It seems advantageous to place the smaller lower field final focus electron quads closest to the interaction point Realistic design considerations of SC quads drives solutions where the ions or electrons must pass through the quad force collar or cold yoke structures
Electron Quad Design Choices Reaching small crossing angles requires a “hole” in the SC magnet structure to pass the Ion beam A “traditional” Cosine 2 Θ Quad with a non- magnetic force collar near the coil has residual field along the Ion trajectory Due to lower fields in the Electron Quad the iron yoke/force collar can be adjacent to the coil
Ion Quad Cosine 2Θ type SC quad operating at 2 Kelvin due to high field and high current density Non magnetic force collar adjacent to coil Hole to pass Electron beam in cold yoke or in force collar with a magnetic shield Magnetic Design was performed with TOSCA
Electron QuadIon Quad Gradient64 T/M220 T/M Integral Gradient73.7 (T/M)M248 (T/M)M EFL1.15 M1.13 M Diameter5 cm.6 cm Coil Length120 cm Pressure on Force Collar1060 psi6370 psi Average Current Density15,000 Amps/cm^237,000 Amps/cm^2 Amp Turns207,000 Amp turns2 x 10^6 Amp-turns Operating Current3500 Amps6000 Amps Max field in coil2 T8 T Operating Temperature4.5 K2 K Yoke Length130 cm Stored Energy6.3 KJ434 KJ Inductance 1 mH 24 mH Properties of Electron and Ion Quads
Head on View of Electron Quad Tosca Model
Model tipped by 19 mR
Gradient in Electron Quad 64 T/m and 72 (T/M)M
Harmonics for E quad
Field in Ion pass thru hole
The Ion Quad for the Electron Light Ion Collider
Ion Quad Considerations High Gradient of 220 T/m, high current density 37KA/cm^2 and 8Tesla fields require operation at or near 2 Kelvin This permits use of NbTi SC cable Conventional Cosine 2Θ magnet geometry LHC experience with high gradient quads will be a valuable guide for design Force collar pressure due to magnetic forces is 6370 psi
Cross section of quad with electron pass thru
Field magnitude in coil and force collar
Gradient of Ion quad 220 T/M and Integral G.dL = 250 (T/M)M
Plot of By on 2.5 cm radius in main aperture
Field harmonics in Ion quad
Field Magnitude in cold yoke
Integral By.dL along length of electron pass thru (8,000 gauss cm)
Field in electron pass thru By component
Harmonics of By on 1.3 radius in electron pass thru
Ion Quad Peak Field Load Line and NbTi SC Cable Short Sample Curve SSC outer cable used for comparison
Conclusions Lambertson type quads are feasible for the final focus magnets for ELIC Locating the Electron quads closest to the crossing point allows a smaller crossing angle. ELIC quads require beam pass thru holes in the quad structural elements NbTi SC cables can be used in the ELIC quads however the Ion quads must operate at 2 kelvin