Compiler Construction Sohail Aslam Lecture 40
2 Boolean Expressions E → E 1 and M E 2 {backpatch(E 1.truelist, M.quad); E.truelist = E 2.truelist; E.falselist = merge(E 1.falselist, E 2.falselist);} So the target for E 1.truelist must be the beginning of code generated for E 2
3 Boolean Expressions E → E 1 and M E 2 {backpatch(E 1.truelist, M.quad); E.truelist = E 2.truelist; E.falselist = merge(E 1.falselist, E 2.falselist);} This target is obtained using the marker nonterminal M.
4 Boolean Expressions E → E 1 and M E 2 {backpatch(E 1.truelist, M.quad); E.truelist = E 2.truelist; E.falselist = merge(E 1.falselist, E 2.falselist);} M.quad records the number of the first statement of E 2.code.
5 Boolean Expressions: OR E → E 1 or M E 2 { backpatch(E 1.falselist, M.quad); E.truelist = merge(E 1.truelist, E 2.truelist); E.falselist = E 2.falselist; } If E 1 is false, need to test E 2
6 Boolean Experssions E → not E 1 { E.truelist = E 1.falselist; E.falselist = E 1.truelist; }
7 Boolean Experssions E → ( E 1 ) { E.truelist = E 1.truelist; E.falselist = E 1.falselist; }
8 Boolean Experssions E → id 1 relop id 2 { E.truelist = makelist(nextquad()); E.falselist = makelist(nextquad()+1); emit(‘if’ id 1 relop id 2 ‘goto _’); emit(‘goto _’ ); }
9 Boolean Experssions E → true { E.truelist = makelist(nextquad()); emit(‘goto _’ ); }
10 Boolean Experssions E → false { E.falselist = makelist(nextquad()); emit(‘goto _’ ); }
11 Boolean Expressions M → { M.quad = nextquad(); }
12 BackpatchingBackpatching consider again, the boolean expression a < b or c < d and e < f We carry out a bottom-up parse
13 BackpatchingBackpatching In response to reduction of a < b to E, the two quadruples 100: if a < b goto _ 101: goto _ are generated
14 RecallRecall E → id 1 relop id 2 { E.truelist = makelist(nextquad()); E.falselist = makelist(nextquad()+1); emit(‘if’ id 1 relop id 2 ‘goto _’); emit(‘goto _’ ); } View this in a parse tree
15 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} c < da < be < forand
16 BackpatchingBackpatching The marker non-terminal M in the production E → E 1 or M E 2 records the value of nextquad which at this time is 102.
17 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 102 orand
18 BackpatchingBackpatching The reduction of c < d to E, the two quadruples 102: if c < d goto _ 103: goto _ are generated
19 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 102 or and
20 BackpatchingBackpatching The marker non-terminal M in the production E → E 1 and M E 2 records the value of nextquad which at this time is 104.
21 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 or and
22 BackpatchingBackpatching Reducing e < f to E, generates 104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _
23 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} E.t = {104} E.f = {105} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 or and
24 BackpatchingBackpatching We now reduce by the production E → E 1 and M E 2
25 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} E.t = {104} E.f = {105} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 orand
26 Semantic Actions E → E 1 and M E 2 {backpatch(E 1.truelist, M.quad); E.truelist = E 2.truelist; E.falselist = merge(E 1.falselist, E 2.falselist);}
27 BackpatchingBackpatching The semantic action calls backpatch({102},104) where {102} denotes E 1.truelist containing only 102
28 BackpatchingBackpatching The six statements generated so far are thus 100: if a < b goto _ 101: goto _ 102: if c < d goto _ 103: goto _ 104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _
29 BackpatchingBackpatching The semantic action calls backpatch({102},104) which fills in 104 in statement 102.
30 BackpatchingBackpatching The call fills in 104 in statement : if a < b goto _ 101: goto _ 102: if c < d goto 103: goto _ 104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _ 104
31 Semantic Actions E → E 1 and M E 2 {backpatch(E 1.truelist, M.quad); E.truelist = E 2.truelist; E.falselist = merge(E 1.falselist, E 2.falselist);}
32 E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} E.t = {104} E.f = {105} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 or and
33 BackpatchingBackpatching We now reduce by the production E → E 1 or M E 2
34 E.t = {100, 104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} E.t = {104} E.f = {105} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 or and
35 Semantic Actions E → E 1 or M E 2 { backpatch(E 1.falselist, M.quad); E.truelist = merge(E 1.truelist, E 2.truelist); E.falselist = E 2.falselist; }
36 BackpatchingBackpatching The semantic action calls backpatch({101},102) which fills in 102 in statement 101.
37 BackpatchingBackpatching 100: if a < b goto _ 101: goto 102: if c < d goto : goto _ 104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _ 102
38 BackpatchingBackpatching 100: if a < b goto _ 101: goto : if c < d goto : goto _ 104: if e < f goto _ 105: goto _ These instructions will have their targets filled later in the compilation
39 Semantic Actions E → E 1 or M E 2 { backpatch(E 1.falselist, M.quad); E.truelist = merge(E 1.truelist, E 2.truelist); E.falselist = E 2.falselist; }
40 E.t = {100, 104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {100} E.f = {101} E.t = {104} E.f = {103, 105} E.t = {102} E.f = {103} E.t = {104} E.f = {105} c < d a < b e < f M.q = 104 M.q = 102 or and {100} {104} {103, 105}
41 Flow-of-Control Statements We now use backpatching to translate flow-of-control statements in one pass We will use the same list- handling procedures as before
42 Flow-of-Control Statements We now use backpatching to translate flow-of-control statements in one pass We will use the same list- handling procedures as before
43 Flow-of-Control Statements S → if E then S | if E then S else S | while E do S | begin L end | A L → L ; S | S