Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / PROCESS OWNERSHIP This set of slides is intended to help explain to a group the nature of process ownership and what it involves in practice. The presentation provides a means for people to actively consider their own plans for developing the role of process ownership in their own environments. The slide on process management is further expanded in the ‘Process Management’ slide set. Please do not attempt to use these slides as part of a presentation until you have read and fully understood the relevant sections of ‘Managing by Design’, you know how each slide builds, and you are clear on the points you wish to make with them
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / PROCESS OWNERSHIP Process Targets & Objectives Process Owner & Process Team Measures Our Process Internal & External Customers Improvement Projects
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / THE CONTEXT OF PROCESS OWNERSHIP Process Team Company Management Team Dear organisation this is what we need to do this year Well, if you have to meet that, then we will need to perform like this. Great, we’ll take responsibility for ensuring we meet those targets. Quadrant Chart Reporting Performance Trend Analysis Actions Yes, if all the teams do what they say, we can meet it 1. Process QFD2. Managing Process Ownership
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / PLANNING THROUGH PROCESS QFD And then manage your process to deliver that potential! 1 Review your objectives to reflect new top-level QFD & changes in customer requirements 2 Reconsider your measures and targets to reflect your objectives, and the needs of your customers 3 Reflect new understanding about your process and your objectives in your model of sub-processes 4 Explore the relationships to develop a clear picture of what your sub processes need to deliver 5 Set sub-process targets and improvement initiatives to fulfil the potential of your process
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Top Level QFD REVIEWING YOUR OBJECTIVES 1 Customers /Suppliers
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / REVIEWING YOUR MEASURES & TARGETS 2 Top Level QFD Quadrant Chart Reporting Performance Trend Analysis Actions Trend Customer Need Aspiration
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / REVIEWING YOUR SUB-PROCESSES 3 Existing Models Boundary Challenges Logic
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / REVIEWING THE RELATIONSHIPS 4 Voting Potential Benchmarking Quadrant Chart Reporting Performance Trend Analysis Actions History
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / REVIEWING YOUR INITIATIVES 5 Quadrant Chart Reporting Performance Trend Analysis Actions Problem Solving Ideas Current Plans
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / THE CONTEXT OF PROCESS OWNERSHIP Process Team Company Management Team Dear organisation this is what we need to do this year Well, if you have to meet that, then we will need to perform like this. Great, we’ll take responsibility for ensuring we meet those targets. Quadrant Chart Reporting Performance Trend Analysis Actions Yes, if all the teams do what they say, we can meet it 1. Process QFD2. Managing Process Ownership
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / PROCESS MANAGEMENT Initiatives OLDNEW Priority Actions Improvement Projects! A successful company QFD Targets Processes Target Performance Identified Deficiencies
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / OLD PROCESS MANAGEMENT Quadrant Chart ReportingNEW Trend Performance Actions Analysis
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / THE CULTURAL SPECTRUM Knowledge and desire to ensure “delight” Systematic focus on customer satisfaction Clear desire to satisfy customers Customer awareness is evident Largely task rather than role focus A clearly designed value set is evident C’hensive standards rigorously prosecuted Standards exist and are actively pursued A direction is evident but goals are unclear Value set, if any, largely depends on individuals Developm’t designed into work patterns System of growth thru’ challenge & coaching Clear effort to involve, support and encourage Effortlargely a result of observed deficiencies No serious attempt to address developm’t All process deliberately designed to “perform” Key/critical processes have been “designed” Processes have been mapped & developed Some clear document’g and control of process Concept of processes is not evident All activity consciously analysed & modelled Rigorous prediction & trending invoke PSD Measured deviations are clearly analysed Perform’ce objectively monitored & recorded No objective perform’ce monitors Systematic improvem’t of overall “fitness” “Fitness” is understood & steadily improved Clear strategy for improving perfom’ce Improv’ts take place on an ad- hoc basis There is no clear planned improvem’t How good do we want to be in all this?
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / THE MANAGER’S ROLE IN PROCESS OWNERSHIP You are responsible for demonstrably: Ensuring the needs and issues of all your Customers are clearly defined and understood, and that your people are systematically finding new ways to serve them better Establishing a common value set, and building real commitment to clear targets for the improvement of your process’ performance Developing your people’s abilities and attitudes in a planned and productive manner, through a clearly defined programme of challenges, experiences, team involvement, and training Ensuring all the processes which effect performance are responsibly developed and designed, using methods which aid collective involvement and disciplined thinking Ensuring process performance is measured objectively using trends and gap analysis to drive a disciplined approach to solving current or potential performance issues Developing plans to monitor and improve all of the above, and to achieve attainment of the higher levels of the cultural spectrum. And delivering clear business benefits as a result of the above. (are you up to it?)
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / QUADRANT CHARTS Quadrant Chart Reporting Trend How are we faring against target? Analysis What is at the root of our performance issues? Actions What is our plan for correcting things? Making the management thinking process visible! Performance What are our critical success factors?
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / PROCESS MANAGEMENT – THE STEPS How are we going to ensure it happens? Understanding the process: Measure current performance against targets Hold I/O discussions and develop a process map Create a local QFD Put management in place: Create a schedule of meetings and reqd. preparation Produce and maintain a process quadrant chart Drive performance: Prioritise performance deficiencies for attention Address deficiencies through disciplined methods Regularly review/address progress Coach and support staff Consistently!
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / NovDecJanFebMar SO WHEN WILL WE HAVE THESE THINGS IN PLACE? Think through the plan for implementing systematic management of your process and set dates/owners for it Measure current performance vs. targets Hold I/O discussions and develop a process map Create local QFD Create meetings schedule and required preparation Produce and maintain a process quadrant chart Prioritise performance deficiencies for attention Address deficiencies by disciplined methods Regularly review/address progress Coach and support staff
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / In your syndicate group: Think back over the key things that you need to implement to establish a healthy systematic routine for executing your Process Owner responsibilities Agree as a syndicate, a rough plan of activities to establish this in the next 6m Identify clearly the support and guidance you believe you will need in this work Be prepared to feed back your conclusions SO WHAT EXACTLY WILL YOU (AS PROCESS OWNERS) DO? Process QFD Map the Processes Produce Q4 Charts Establish Measurements Train Team in Problem Solving Set Target Performance Analyse Gaps in Performance Implement Mgt routines Determine Improvement Priorities Set up Problem Solving Teams Set up Process Team Develop Forward Plan Train Team in Systematic Mgt Meet Process Customers Link Process to Appraisals Determine Team Roles Review Progress
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / TERMS of REFERENCE (Process Proposals) Process Objectives: Related ProcTargetMeasure Business Benefits: Likely StrategiesDeliverablesCost Assumptions/Implications: OutputsCustomersInputsSuppliers Process: Owner: Team: Scope of Process & Probable Key Elements Process Proposal Top QFD
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / What makes a good ‘Terms of Reference’? Clarity - unambiguous and specific (SMART)? Logical - clearly linked to ensure higher objectives? Focus - aimed at doing the most appropriate things? Challenging - taking full opportunity for advantage? Practical - well thought out steps to make it happen? Comprehensive - covering all the areas it should? Concise - brief but answering all the key questions? Ordered - leads reader through well written points? Confident - provides a sense that it will happen? Common format - easy to find what you’re seeking? PROCESS EMPHASIS!!! ToR CRITERIA
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / The following slides contain cards that can be used in support of the planning syndicate as outlined on slide 19
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Involve customers in improvement activities Programme of customer visits and secondment Customer Survey Customer Intimacy Strategy Develop Process Business Plan to reflect customer needs Produce a Customer Relationship Strategy Measure impact on Customers Challenge activities which aren’t focused on the customer
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Hold a workshop to explain the business plan Prominently display performance targets Establish staff commitment through personal development Set up the means for monitoring progress Develop a QFD for the process/department Develop a Vision for the process and its impact on the company Establish a value set for those who work in the process Display measurement results prominently
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Train people in a systematic approach Reflect a systematic approach in the appraisal system Build teamwork within the department Establish internal meeting & report formats to reflect a systematic approach Regularly review individual progress on applying systematic mgt Address observed individual and teamwork issues Ensure everybody has a personal development plan Measure the impact of training
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Establish what processes operate in the department Agree process performance targets based on bus. plan Analyse process performance deficiencies Establish local process managers (sponsors) for each process Quantify/prioritise improvement priorities in the processes Develop flow diagrams and process maps for each process Work w. process team to agree & implement improvements Drive improvements through problem solving disciplines
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Train staff in measurement Train staff in Problem Solving Establish measures of your performance against the bus. plan Regularly review your progress against the business plan Use problem solving disciplines to address performance issues Use Quadrant Chart Reporting Benchmark other groups and companies Prominently display graphs of performance and trends
Context Process QFD Management Quad Charts Planning Proposing © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / Establish improvement priorities, and build commitment to them Ensure improvements are reflected in terms of performance Establish a routine for exploring best practice & sharing it with others Plan improvements in the management approach Improve your process of improvement Read around the subject of management Keep abreast of technical and competitor advances Be innovative and creative in the design of the Process