Quad Automation Application of Archestra Technology in an Edible Oil Refinery Martyn Daniels Quad Automation Operational Unit Manager
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Agenda ► The Business End of things ▪ The Business ▪ The Problem ▪ The Solution ▪ Into the bargain Benefits ► System Overview ▪ Architecture ▪ Area & Derivation Model ▪ Typical Mimics, Popups and their benefits ► Formulation Management & Batch Scheduling ► Materials Management ► Integration of Information into System Platform
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels The Business ► Receives ▪ Various Crude and Semi-Refined Oils From on-site Sunflower Seed Mill From Tankers – sourced from all over the world ► Processes ▪ Batch Bleaching, Hardening & Post Deod. Blending ▪ Semi-Continuous Deodorizing ▪ Continuous Caustic Refining & Winterizing ► Dispatches ▪ Processed Oils To on-site Customers To Tanker To Packaging
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels The Problem ► Outdated Supervisory System ▪ Difficult to Maintain and Improve On Not truly Object Orientated, No built-in development security and auditing, Unmanaged and no Server Scripting Code ► Skill Levels ▪ Technical Staff changing constantly System Standards started to diverge, Quality of System was slowly being eroded. ▪ Operational Staff low skill levels Downtime and Efficiencies being affected by lack of understanding of the Process and the Control System ► Implement with minmum downtime.
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels The Solution ► Replace the Supervisory System with one that is ▪ Truly Object Orientated & Secure Enabling improvements to be made easily, quickly and in a controlled fashion so that standards are protected and maintained at all times. Thereby protecting the Control System investment. The ease of performing improvements would then allow a lower cost continuous optimization process that would address the Low Skill levels of operational staff by providing them with an easier to understand interface and more pertinent information.
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels The Solution ► Replace the Supervisory System with one that is ▪ Reliable Archestra V2 and V2.1 have a proven track record from small to VERY large systems. We have one system running IO very successfully. Redundancy System works very well.
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels The Solution ► Replace the Supervisory System with one that has ▪ Managed and Server Side Scripting Code Enabling protection and securing of source code all in the same environment. Less need for externally developed ActiveXs and Controls and maintenance thereof. Server Side Code enabled common functions to be implemented at the back end. Reducing the duplication of Code, Utilizing the high-end server hardware more effectively & Lowering the hardware spec of Clients and the complexity of setting them up. ► Minimum Downtime Allowing both systems to operate simultaneously with minor production interruption by using scheduled stock takes.
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Before & After (Some Stats) BeforeAfterComment PLC IO>65,00030,000FYI Supervisory Software Not the bestWonderwareSystem Platform V3 InTouch V10 Servers42-Can run on only 2 Redundant Servers Windows Objects Contain Graphics -Larger Screens used Classes0150OO in action Instances03015OO in action ActiveXs+-101-All implemented in SP -Batch Engine Remains VB Applications30-Formulation Management & Batch Scheduling Integrated
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Into the bargain Benefits ► Integration ▪ The Archestra Technology and Components also allow better integration of other sub- systems like Batching Engine – InBatch V9 Formulation Management – FMM Performance – WPS MES – Factelligence ▪ Thereby enabling a further reduction in the use of custom Engineering, Components and further reducing the maintenance and skills requirement
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels System Architecture
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Area Model ► Detailed Area Model enabling ▪ Operators to be notified of problems in their Areas of responsibility only ▪ Easier future application of Area based Functions Intelligent and Conditional Alarms & Events SOP & HAZOP Handling ▪ Easier future application of MES
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Derivation Model ► Detailed OO Modeling ▪ Enabling global changes to be made quickly and precisely
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Plant Overview Display - Areas
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Plant Overview Display – Areas Zoom
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Overview Displays
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Overview Displays - Zoom
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Typical Mimic
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Typical Mimic - Zoom
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Sequence Interfaces ► Sequence User Command.
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Formulation Manager ► Is being migrated to FMM
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Batch Scheduling ► Is being migrated to interface with FMM and RSBatch
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Materials Management Tank Farms/Storage Locations ► Raw Materials, WIP and Finished Goods are stored all over the factory in Tank Farms ► Many routes into and out of these Tank Farms are connected to several processes which can transfer in or out at any time ► Access to Tanks is governed by strict rules which are enforced to ensure that contamination does not take place ► Status, Quality and Age of all materials is monitored and reported on by the Control System ► Archestra object capability ▪ allowed these rules to be implemented in a structured fashion which is easy to maintain ▪ Allowed the implementation of a real-time material search algorithm which assists operators in finding valid tanks quickly and reliably
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Materials Management Tank Farms – Matrix - Zoom
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Materials Management Tank Farms – Typical Mimic - Zoom
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Materials Management Tank Selection – Search Algorithm
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Information Integration ► Large amounts of data is being stored ▪ Historian ▪ Material Transfer Transactions ▪ Batching Transactions Data Logs ▪ Stock Takes ▪ Quality Data ▪ Receipts and Dispatches ► In the past it has been costly to make this data available to Operators where and when they needed it ► Archestra is the enabler to help make better use of all this information in a cost effective and maintainable manner
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Information Integration -Sequence History ► Uses WW SQLDataGrid ► Enables ▪ Quick and easy determination of what a sequence/phase has been up to ▪ Analysis of steps that are taking too long ▪ Further Reports available on the Intranet
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Information Integration -Device History ► Uses WW SQLDataGrid ► Enables ▪ Quick and easy determination of what a device has been up to ► Available on all devices e.g Sequences, Motors,Valves etc
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Information Integration -Status History ► Uses WW SQLDataGrid ► Enables ▪ Quick and easy determination of what device states have occurred ▪ Tracking of manual operations ► Available on Sequences, Motors, Valves etc
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Information Integration Tank Ins, Outs and Stock ► Uses WW SQLDataGrid ► Enables ▪ Quick and easy determination of what material transactions have taken place ▪ On the spot Mass Balance ► Available on Storage and Process Vessels
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels What does the future hold in store? ► Conversion of Crystal Reports based MIS Intranet to WIS/Reporting Services ► Wonderware Performance Software ► InBatch V9 ► MES ► The ability to react quickly to changing ▪ Market conditions ▪ Customer Requirements ▪ Raw Materials ▪ Processing Technologies ▪ Skills Levels
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Benefits Summary ► Enforced Standardization. ► Decreased downtime & callouts. ► Increased information to operators, process & engineering personnel. ► Lower cost of ownership. ► Uses up-to-date technology. ► Off-the-shelf implementation. ► Ease of integration into 3 rd party applications
Quad Automation Presenter : Martyn Daniels Questions ? ► The Presenters Name is: ▪ Martyn Daniels an Operational Unit Manager from Quad Automation - Johannesburg Office ► Please feel free to ask any questions