UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR Sergey Kozub Institute for High Energy Physics Protvino, Russia SIS300 meeting 19 March, 2009 Sergey.


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Presentation transcript:

UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR Sergey Kozub Institute for High Energy Physics Protvino, Russia SIS300 meeting 19 March, 2009 Sergey Kozub Institute for High Energy Physics Protvino, Russia SIS300 meeting 19 March, 2009 FLAIR SIS300 Roadmap and preconsortium board

SIS300 quadrupoles 2008 – SIS 300 dipole model (6T, straight) has been produced and successfully tested by IHEP, Russia. Development of SIS300 dipole prototype by INFN, Italy: 2008 – TDR and engineering drawings of SIS300 dipole prototype have been completed. Tooling for the prototype production has been manufactured and trial half-coil has been wound – production of cold mass and cryostat of SIS300 dipole prototype – cold test of the cold mass, integration it in cryostat and delivery to GSI. Possible plan of following steps: 2012 – production and test of two short and two full scale SIS300 dipole pototypes – manufacture and test of four magnets for pre – series – Production, test and delivery 18 SIS300 dipoles – Production, test and delivery 38 SIS300 dipoles – I nstallation and commissioning of SIS300 dipoles. SIS300 dipoles INFN (Italy), VNIINM (Russia)

SIS300 quadrupoles 2008 – IHEP has developed design of cold mass of SIS300 quad prototype Engineering drawings of cold mass of SIS300 quad prototype have been completed. VNIINM has produced and tested 1 km length SC wire of mm diameter – Development of tooling drawings for the cold mass production, start of the tooling manufacture and TDR preparation – Tooling manufacture and production of the cold mass. Design development of quad cryomodules of four types. Production of 5 km SC wire by VNIINM – Cold test of the cold mass. Production of 20 km SC wire by VNIINM – Manufacture and test of quad cryomodules of four types. Production of 470 km (2 ton) SC wire by VNIINM – Production, test and delivery SIS300 quad cryomodules – I nstallation and commissioning of SIS300 quad cryomodules. SIS300 quadrupoles IHEP, VNIINM (Russia)

SIS300 quadrupoles 2009 – Design development of cold mass of four types corrector and steering magnet and TDR preparation – E ngineering drawings of the corrector and steering magnet cold masses and tooling development for production of these cold masses – T ooling manufacture and start of the cold masses production. Production of SC wire by VNIINM (parameters of SC wire will be determined) – Production and test of cold mass of corrector and steering magnets – Manufacture and test of quad cryomodules of four types. Production of 120 km (400 kg) SC wire by VNIINM – Production, test and delivery SIS300 quad cryomodules – Installation and commissioning of SIS300 quad cryomodules. SIS300 corrector and steering magnets IHEP, VNIINM (Russia)

SIS300 quadrupoles 2009 – Optimization of SIS300 cryogenic system (in cooperation with GSI) – TDR of SIS300 cryogenic system and a cryogenic system equipment requirements (in cooperation with GSI) – Technical Specification for the cryogenic system equipment (in cooperation with GSI, CRYOGENMASH, GELIYMASH) – 2015 – Development, production and test of cryogenic system equipment by CRYOGENMASH, GELIYMASH, IHEP – 2017 – Delivery, assembling and commissioning of cryogenic system equipment in tunnel by CRYOGENMASH, GELIYMASH and IHEP. SIS300 local cryogenic system IHEP, Russia

SIS300 quadrupoles 1.Other SIS300 systems involve:  Power supplies – GSI (Germany), Finland.  RF systems – GSI (Germany),  Beam diagnostics – ITEP (Russia), GSI (Germany),  Vacuum – GSI, V.G.Boc, NEGch (Germany), Cracow UT (Poland)  Injection/Ejection – ? 2.These SIS300 systems are similar to the corresponding systems of SIS100, which will be commissioned in 2014 year. Other systems of SIS300

SIS300 quadrupoles Distribution and coordination of tasks on SIS300 construction between participating parties Coordination of SIS300 systems development Technical coordination for integration of different systems, quality assurance requirements for production and test of SIS300 equipment Consultations, working meetings and information exchange SIS300 preconsortium tasks

SIS300 quadrupoles Some questions for correct SIS300 planning must be solved, for example:  Development, production and test of dipole cryomodule.  Place for cold test including magnetic axis measurements of SC magnets in cryomodules.  Producer of superconducting wires and other materials for SIS300 magnets. Distribution and coordination of tasks

SIS300 quadrupoles Questions which delay development of SIS300 systems, for example:  Structure of SIS300 with a longitudinal dimension of all elements.  Power circuit of SIS300 magnets which define list of wires and cables pass through SC magnets.  Design of connections between cryomodules.  Design of beam pipe.  Adjustment of cryomodules in the tunnel. Integration of different systems

SIS300 quadrupoles 1.The Board is an ultimate authority of the SIS300 preconsortium. 2. The Board consists of leaders of SIS300 systems. The leaders were appointed by organizations, which have presented EoIs. Leaders of SIS300 systems: Dipoles – Pasquale Fabbricatore, INFN, Italy Quadrupoles, Multipoles, Cryogenic system - Sergey Kozub, IHEP, Russia Beam diagnostics – Timur Kulevoy, ITEP, Russia Other systems and integration – Peter Spiller, GSI, Germany Proposal for organizational structure of SIS300 preconsortrium Board

SIS300 quadrupoles 3.Spokesperson (SP) represents the SIS300 preconsortium and is responsible for organizing operations, procedures, progress, policies, planning of the preconsortium. 4.SP is assisted by a deputy (SPD). The Board elects SP and SPD for two- year term that can be renewed. 5.Resource coordinator Immediate tasks of SP, SPD and Board are: Steering of R&D activity directions Integration of different systems Planning of SIS300 development Preparation of SIS300 consortium Governance Rules Preparation of SIS300 TDR Spokesperson – S. Kozub Deputy Spokesperson - ??? Proposal for SIS300 preconsortium Board

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