7-Segment LED Display DD: Section Mano: Section 3.10
Topics Using Using Case Staetment Wire Versus reg Mux Use Mux to display one bit at a time
always statement The sensitivity list contains a list of all signals that will affect the outputs generated by the always block.
* in the sensitivity list will automatically include all signals on the right side of your statements can be used when you want your elements to change their values as one or more of its inputs change. can be used with either non-blocking statement (if you want to execute statements in parallel) or blocking statement (if you want to execute statements sequentially)
Why using (Desirable) (incorrect!)
case (=, implies that blocking statements are used) the number preceding : indicates the value of the case parameter. ‘hA means “A” in hex numbers. 7’b means 7 binary numbers with a sequence equal to
default The default statement is necessary since Verilog actually defines four possible Values for each bit: 0 1 Z (high impedance) X (unknown value)
reg All outputs generated by the always block must be declared to be of type reg. Reg is used to suggest that the values behaves like a variable that might be stored in a register.
Legal Uses of the wire
Legal Uses of reg
When wire and reg are Interchangable
Test Bench for hex7seg_case.v
Multiplexer 2-to-1 mux 4-to-1 mux
2-to-1 mux A 2-input mux is controlled by a single control line s. If s=0, y=a and y=b if s=1.
4-to-1 Mux
(Creating a 4 x 1 MUX from 2 x 1 MUX)
Multiplexing 7-Segment Displays Get values for an[3:0] from btn[3:0] so that only one LED is displayed. If s[1:0]=00, then x[3:0]. If s[1:0]=01, then x[7:4]. If s[1:0]=10, then x[11:8]. If s[1:0]=11, then x[15:12]. Use Quad 4-to-1 mux