file/ 1 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold l Distributed PID Control and I/O What is it?
file/ 2 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold Eurotherm Distributed Control & I/O SCADA PLC 2700 (in future) 2900 Distributed I/O and EUROTHERM PID PC300 LCM
file/ 3 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold l Hot swap I/O module l Expandable l Three Year Warranty l Hot swap I/O module l Expandable l Three Year Warranty l 4, 8, 16 way bases l 2, 4 or 8 loops per base l AI2, AI3, AI4, AO2, RLY4, LGC4, DI4, DI8 modules l iTools Windows Configurator l 4, 8, 16 way bases l 2, 4 or 8 loops per base l AI2, AI3, AI4, AO2, RLY4, LGC4, DI4, DI8 modules l iTools Windows Configurator 2500 Features
file/ 4 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold l Up to 8 loops per base l Each loop can be: - Single PID loop - Ratio control - Cascade pair - Overide control l With standard analogue output – OR TPO outputs – OR Raise / Lower output for valve positioning. l Up to 8 loops per base l Each loop can be: - Single PID loop - Ratio control - Cascade pair - Overide control l With standard analogue output – OR TPO outputs – OR Raise / Lower output for valve positioning. Control Loops User Variables:8 real values Analogue functions:16 e.g. *,/,+,-, sample and hold, and lots more. Digital functions:16 e.g. OR,AND,XOR,LATCH User Variables:8 real values Analogue functions:16 e.g. *,/,+,-, sample and hold, and lots more. Digital functions:16 e.g. OR,AND,XOR,LATCH User Wiring
file/ 5 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold Plug-in I/O Controller- H3048 based (32bit) - 2 loop control - cascade control - Soft Wiring - ST, Gain sched. etc - I/O Plug-in I/O Controller- H3048 based (32bit) - 2 loop control - cascade control - Soft Wiring - ST, Gain sched. etc - I/O I/O Bases From 4 up to a maximum of 16 modules I/O Bases From 4 up to a maximum of 16 modules I/O Network MODBUS Profibus-DP …... I/O Network MODBUS Profibus-DP …... DIN-rail or wall mount Terminals One for every wire Plug in terminal Units With or without fuses Terminals One for every wire Plug in terminal Units With or without fuses Plug-In I/O Modules circuitry - low cost - optional fuses - SW configured * dual analogue input * dual analogue output * quad digital input * quad logic out * quad relay output Plug-In I/O Modules circuitry - low cost - optional fuses - SW configured * dual analogue input * dual analogue output * quad digital input * quad logic out * quad relay output 2500 DIN Rail Controller Executes 2 110mSec, 8 220mS Soft User “Wiring”. Configuration by “iTools” on a PC Executes 2 110mSec, 8 220mS Soft User “Wiring”. Configuration by “iTools” on a PC
file/ 6 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold The unit is supplied as follows: ê Base, 2500B ê Controller Module, 2500C ê I/O Modules, 2500M ê Terminal Strips, 2500T ê Power Supply, 2500P The unit is supplied as follows: ê Base, 2500B ê Controller Module, 2500C ê I/O Modules, 2500M ê Terminal Strips, 2500T ê Power Supply, 2500P 2500 DIN Rail Controller I/O Modules
file/ 7 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold Power supply l An external 24 VDC power supply is required. The voltage range 18 VDC to 28 VDC l A system with 4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs, 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs requires 0.5 amps. l Eurotherm offers 3 24VDC supplies 2.5 amp (60 watt 5 amp (120 watt) 10 amp (240 watt) l The Eurotherm supply has: Will hold up power for ms. On power fail Has watchdog relay
file/ 8 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold l Terminal units snap in l Modules changeable “live” (except relay) l DIN rail mount l 4, 8, or 16 way units Base Heat Temp Inner Temp Cool Raise Lower Valve Pressure Run Reset Hold Servo Fridge Light 1 Load Light 2 Main Air Main Fan Air Fan Input Supply Main Gas Main Lamp Gas Aux Lamp
file/ 9 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold Terminal Unit, 2500T l One for each module including IOC l Three Analog input terminal units, – TC – DC/ RTD – ma. l Fuses available for relay output (July 99) l One terminal for every wire
file/ 10 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold The Control Module (IOC) l Currently 4 variants Data acquisition only Data acquisition with Application Blocks 2, 4 or 8 PID loops 2, 4 or 8 PID loops with Application Blocks l IOC does all calculations; PID, Application Blocks, communications The IOC goes in the left most slot
file/ 11 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold IOC Status LED’s X C S * 2500 LEDColorONALL OFF * S C Green Yellow Normal operation Stand-by (future) Configuration Self test failed on power up
file/ 12 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold IOC Configuration port X C S * 2500 RJ11 Socket on the IOC l RS232 port l Max baud rate is 9600 l Using this socket outs the IOC in Config. mode l Will appear at both Address 255 & the address set by the address switches l Addresses between 65 and 254 software settable only with all switches set to zero RJ45 Socket on the Terminal Unit l RS 485 l Max baud rate is 32,400 l Terminator required in the last socket
file/ 13 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold Communications- (Control Module) The 2500 system allows communications using either MODBUS or PROFIBUS The MODBUS addresses are selected by the DIL switch on the termination assembly beneath the IOC Address 05, Parity off
file/ 14 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/AI2 2-channel Analogue input Module Low level range High level range Resolution Linearity Calibration accuracy User calibration Thermocouple types Potentiometer input -100 to +100mV 0-20mA or 0-10Vdc <2uV for low level inputs <0.2mV for high level inputs Better than 0.2 O C +/- 1 O C or +/- 0.2% of reading Low and high offsets can be applied All common types, RTD, Zirconia probe 330 to 15Kohm Functional insulation * Zirconia Probe hi Z input A1 C1 Zi A2 C2 Zi A1 C1A2 C2 I1 B1 H1 B2I2 H2 Dual V or mV A1 C1A2 C2 I1 B1 H1 B2 I2 H2 A1 C1 A2 C2 V V 3-wire Pt100 A1 C1A2 C2 I1 B1 H1 B2 I2 H2 PRT C1 I1 A1 PRT I2 C2 A2 Dual mA A1 C1A2 C2 I1 B1 H1 B2I2 H2 A1 C1 A2 C2 mA Dual T/C PRT C1 I1A1 PRT I2 C2 A2 B1 B2 A1 C1A2 C2 I1 B1 H1 B2I2 H2 4-wire Pt100
file/ 15 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/AI3 3-Channel high level Analogue Input Modules Input range Resolution Linearity Calibration accuracy User calibration Power Supply -20mA to +20mA < 0.5uA <0.003% of range +/- 0.01% of range, 0.05% of reading Low and high offsets can be applied nominal 25mA for two wire transmitters Functional insulation * Three Channel Milli-amps (mA) Isolated 24v Supply Two wire Tx, I1 I2I3 C1C2 P1P2 C3 P3 P1 C1 mA P2 C2 mA P3 C3 mA I1 C1 mA I2 C2 mA I3 C3 mA Three Channel Milli-amps (mA) Remote powered two wire Tx I1 I2I3 C1C2 P1P2 C3 P3
file/ 16 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/AO2 2-channel Analogue output Module Range Resolution Analogue output functions Output Load 0-20mA, 0-10VDC (isolated) 1 part in 10,000 Selectable using User Wiring Up to 600 ohms V mA mA R V R
file/ 17 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/DI4 4-channel Digital Input Module Contact closure inputs 24Vdc Logic inputs Digital input functions Switching voltage: As supply (18 to 30Vdc) Switching current: 10mA (Initial, 1mS 100mA sink for clean switching) (isolated from system, shared common) Off state:-3 to <-0.4mA On state:10.8 to 2.5mA (isolated from system, shared common) Selectable using User Wiring + - C C + - C + - C Vdc Logic Inputs C C C CC V+ C C C C CC C C C 18-30Vdc C 3 C 2 C 4 C Contact Inputs Link for voltage mode
file/ 18 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/DI8 8-channel Digital Input Module Contact closure inputs Logic inputs (current sinking) Digital input functions Open circuit voltage: 24V dc nominal Short circuit current: 10mA Off state:<100ohm input resistance On state:>28Kohm input resistance Off state:-3 to 5Vdc On state:10.8 to <10mA Selectable using iTools Functional isolation C1 C2 8 C4C3 246 Contact Inputs 1C123C24 7C485C36 Logic Inputs C1 C2 8 C4C C C C C47 + 8
file/ 19 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/DO4 4-channel Relay output Module Switching current & volts Digital output functions Max: 2A, 264Vac resistive Min: 12Vdc/ac, 100mA (Will work with 2500 logic inputs) Time Proportioning control, Motorised valve control Alarms and events B4 C4A4 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 B1 B2B3 B4 A1 A2 C4 A4A3 (3 n/o, 1 c/o relay)
file/ 20 Primary colours Secondary colours Remember to change file name 28pt Ariel bold 18pt Ariel bold 2500M/DO4/LOGIC 4-channel mA logic output 2500M/DO4/24V 4-channel voltage logic output Quad 10mA logic output Quad 24Vdc logic output Self-powered Digital output functions As supply (12-30Vdc), 10mA current source (isolated from system, shared common) Voltage source as supply, 100mA max (isolated from system, shared common) In the pipe-line PID Time Proportioning, motorised valves. On/off - for alarms and events. V+ CC C C C C Both types of Outputs 12-30Vdc C C C C C V+ C