World Health Statistics
Life Expectancy* The following charts are based on Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE) for which the World Health Organization “summarizes the expected number of years to be lived in what might be termed the equivalent of ‘full health.’ To calculate DALE, the years of ill-health are weighted according to severity and subtracted from the expected overall life expectancy to give the equivalent years of healthy life.”
Population Growth Rates
Total Expenditure on Health
Comparison of Public and Total Expenditures
Sources: Slides 3-4, “Healthy Life Expectancy Rankings”, World Health Organization, Slides 6-7: “Annex Table 1 Basic Indicators for all Member States”, WHO World Health Report Slides 9-10, 12-13: “Annex Table 5 Selected National Health Accounts indicators for all Member States, estimates for 1997 and 1998”, WHO World Health Report 2001.