Copyright, 1996 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Tagalog Sounds TIP For additional advice see Dale Carnegie Training® Presentation Guidelines. Tagalog Grammar - Sounds
Vowels a, e, i, o, ua, e, i, o, u ayawayaw ewanewan ikawikaw oooo ulanulan
Consonants b, d, k, g, h, l, m, n, ng, p, ( ' ), r, s, t,b, d, k, g, h, l, m, n, ng, p, ( ' ), r, s, t, w, and y. Ngw, and y. Ng
Voiceless Stops p, t, k, ‘p, t, k, ‘ lapis, pata, kumot, bali’lapis, pata, kumot, bali’
Voiced Stop b, d, gb, d, g bagabaga labislabis kudkodkudkod
Voiceless Fricatives s, hs, h sipagsipag hipaghipag
Voiced Nasals m, n, ngm, n, ng nayonnayon masamasa ngayonngayon
Voiced Lateral l -flatl -flat layonlayon
Voiced Flat r baratbarat
Semi-vowels w, yw, y walawala yayayaya
Others f other sounds used in borrowed words from English, etc.other sounds used in borrowed words from English, etc.
Diphthongs are complex sounds which are combinations of vowels and semi-vowel sounds are complex sounds which are combinations of vowels and semi-vowel sounds
Diphthongs iwiw eyey ayay awaw uyuy ouou TIP Involve your audience with a strong, relevant opening.
Examples iwan, giliw, bitiw, aliwiwan, giliw, bitiw, aliw aruy, kasuy, tsapsuy, tsampuyaruy, kasuy, tsapsuy, tsampuy ayaw, awayayaw, away bataw, mababawbataw, mababaw hoy, amoyhoy, amoy ey ?)ey ?)
8 Additional Letters(sounds) C,F,J,Ñ,Q, V,X,ZC,F,J,Ñ,Q, V,X,Z TIP Close your presentation to make a favorable, lasting impression
C C-/S/C-/S/ –civic - sivik –ceremony - seremonya c- /k/c- /k/ –colonize - kolonays –community - komyuniti
q - /kw/q - /kw/ –quartz - kwarts q - /k/q - /k/ –quota - kota ñ - /ny/ñ - /ny/ –baño - banyo x - /ks/x - /ks/ –taxi - taksi
f - /f/f - /f/ –brief - brif j - /j/ /dy/j - /j/ /dy/ –soldier - soljer –juice - dyus z - /z/z - /z/ –xylophone - zaylofon
General Rule in using these additional letters proper nounsproper nouns technical termstechnical terms borrowed words (foreign and from other ethnic Filipino languagesborrowed words (foreign and from other ethnic Filipino languages
Clusters are combination of consonant sounds. This is due to assimilated words. initialinitial medialmedial TIP Questions by the facilitator capture attention and interest and lead to involvement and interaction.
Cluster - initial pr, pl, pw, pypr, pl, pw, py tr, tw, tytr, tw, ty kr, kl, kw, kykr, kl, kw, ky br, bl, bw, bybr, bl, bw, by dr, dw, dydr, dw, dy sw, sysw, sy TIP Support the opinions and experiences of others with positive comments and positive attitude.
Medial Positions n-tsn-ts n-drn-dr n-trn-tr ng-grng-gr s-sks-sk m-brm-br TIP Recognize that diversity in a group is positive, adding strength and substance.
Medial Positions l-krl-kr m-plm-pl n-kln-kl
Examples mantsamantsa londrilondri kontratakontrata konggresokonggreso eskwelaeskwela sombrerosombrero
Examples sepulkrosepulkro timplatimpla konklusyonkonklusyon