Assessing the Ecological Risk of the Effects of Climate Change on Zooplankton in Lake Champlain Alex Gibson Mark Rasmussen Ben Sherman Josh Stewart Brittany A. Weldon ENSC 202 Spring, 2009 Daphnia. Spike Walker. 2005© Microscopy UK or their contributors.
Problem: Increasing water temperatures in Lake Champlain due to climate change will alter zooplankton populations and cause subsequent food web disruption at higher trophic levels.
Overview Climate Change Zooplankton in Lake Champlain Trophic cascades and food web Population dynamics Food sources and phytoplankton Predation Invasive species Conclusions & recommendations
Climate Change The Greenhouse Effect: Visible light passes through the earths atmosphere and is either absorbed or reflected into the atmoshphere.
Examples: 1. Comparison of Lakes at Varying Altitudes Characteristics/morphometry determine zooplankton biomass potential. Higher latitudes nutrient deficient. Lower latitudes nutrient rich. 2. Photoperiod influences biomass.
Compensating for increased amounts of greenhouse gases, the mass balance of the earth is disrupted. Compensate managing of inputs and outputs by increasing temperature. Since a thicker blanket of greenhouse gasses have reduced energy loss to space, atmospheric adjustments in the form of temperature increase, have responded to the change.
Implications for the Northeast Unique Characteristics Numerous freshwater ecosystems Dense concentrations of people History of intensive land use practices Extensive Forests *Climate change has the potential to disrupt the dynamic input/output regime agitating natural freshwater systems through the creation of a variety of feedback mechanisms
Effect on Lake Temperature in Lake Champlain Increased global mean temperature Increased seasonal variability Increased cloudiness and precipitation, more runoff More runoff leads to higher base flow warmer water temp.
Zooplankton Microscopic invertebrates Fill a critical niche in Lake ecosystem Principle species in Lake Champlain calanoid copepods, cyclopoid copepods, Daphnia, Bosmina, Sididae,and Leptodoridae Daphnia. (Carling, et al. 2004) Calanoid Copepod Bosmina
Trophic Cascades
Trophic Cascades Definition: suppression of prey abundance as a result of predators in a food web. Factors: Spatial and Temporal -high spatial heterogeneity -deviation from linear food chain -high resource availability and quality
Predictors of Zooplankton Biomass and Community Structure 1. CLIMATE 2. Nutrient Concentration 3. Predation Work in concert to determine lakes trophic state.
Population Dynamics Earlier spring warming Sedimentation Rotifer vs Cladoceran Photoperiod Edible algae Sedimentation
Spring Warming
Sedimentation Rotifer vs Cladoceran Clay interactions
Food Sources Phytoplankton, main food source Increases in phytoplankton growth related to concurrent increases in water temperature (Dale and Swartzman, 1984) Perform at a higher than normal rate of photosynthesis in waters with a higher than optimal temperature
Lake Baikal, Siberia- Monitored since 1945 the world’s largest freshwater lake Monitored since 1945 Dramatic temperature increases Large size of lake- resistance to temperature changes Importance of long-term monitoring
Phytoplankton Biomass Chlorophyll a and Secchi discs used to measure phytoplankton biomass Found to increase 300% since 1979 in Lake Baikal (Hampton, et al, 2008)
Earlier Spring Peak Earlier Spring, high base flow, warmer waters Allows for earlier first peak in phytoplankton growth Longer growing season Overall increase in phytoplankton biomass - - - Phytoplankton normal conditions, − Phytoplankton in thermally loaded conditions. (Dale, Swartzman, 1984)
Phytoplankton & Zooplankton Herbivorous zooplankton peak follow phytoplankton peak Larger carnivorous zooplankton feed on herbivorous zooplankton Earlier zooplankton peak – phytoplankton, - - - zooplankton (Dale, Swartzman, 1984)
Zooplankton Biomass Decreasing Copepods and Rotifers Increasing Cladocerans Fewer large cladocerans, more smaller (Hampton, et al, 2008)
Zooplankton Decrease in Biomass Mean and minimum values decrease with temperature Maximum values increase high peak At Max - High variability in Daphnia at high temperatures due to shorter period and larger amplitude (peak) (Norberg, DeAngelis. 1995)
Why are zooplankton decreasing if phytoplankton are increasing? Biomass is decreasing ↓ Larger zooplankton species (Daphnia) ↑Smaller zooplankton species (Bosmina) Warmer water conducive to the growth of…
Blue-Green Algae Growth rate ↑ as water warms Concurrent P overloading ↓ Water clarity, ↓ dO2 Leads to ↓ diatoms & green algae Blue-green lower nutritional value Most zooplankton feed selectively on others …Apparent increase of phytoplankton and decrease in zooplankton
Predation Migration due to predation Predator migration insect larvae of the Notonecta preys on zooplankton in the shallows during the during the day. At night moves to open water to prey on zooplankton
The adult form of the Notonecta also known as the water bug
Migration by zooplankton Zooplankton like Tropocyclops and Polyarhra migrate vertically during day and night. Tropocyclops (copepod) migrate to the bottom of the lake/pond during the day and at night spread equally in the water Known as typical migration
Migration of zooplankton Polyarhra moves to the surface during the day and spread out during the night. Known as reverse migration Zooplankton migrate to avoid predators like fish which also increases their fitness. At night zooplankton spread out because night predation is more difficult for predators
The abundance of zooplankton in Johnson pond at noon
Temperate and oxygen levels of Johnson pond during the day and night Surface water was warmer during the day than bottom of the pond. At night water was the same temperature allowing the movement of zooplankton Oxygen levels where higher on the bottom during the day but at night oxygen levels were found to be higher near the surface. With increase temperatures zooplankton migration cycle would be altered allowing for opportunities for predation and lower the overall fitness of zooplankton.
Predation-comparing warmer/cold water lakes Ice cover- helps to reduce the predation on zooplankton by shortening the growing season of phytoplankton Canadian lakes have less predation then Danish lakes which have a warmer climate Increase temperature will allow a longer time for predation of zooplankton
What can we expect in Lake Champlain with an increase in predation? Increased predation would lead to a decrease in zooplankton abundance and biomass. Less grazing on phytoplankton and algal biomass should increase More turbid conditions and greening of lakes A decline in invertebrates and amphibians
Zooplankton community composition determined by two major factors Predation Resource limitation Energy moves in direction of arrow Source: Lake Champlain Basin Program 2008
Predation - What has a more significant impact on zooplankton? Predators Resource Availability How can this be determined? Manipulate predator populations AND food sources in an existing system
Case Study: Vanni 1987 Increased food availability Phytoplankton levels were raised by elevating available nutrients Addition of planktivorous bluegill sunfish Zooplankton populations measured Cladocerans Copepods Rotifers
Cladocerans Copepods Rotifers
Results Zooplankton density primarily driven by resource limitation Most species saw population rise as a result of elevated food levels, even with added predators Species composition significantly affected by predation All Cladoceran species reached larger mature body size in the absence of sunfish Average size Cladocerans initiated reproduction was smaller in the presence of predator species
Case Study: Elser & Carpenter 1988 Removal of Piscivorous largemouth bass Addition of planktivorous minnows Comparison between study lake (Tuesday) and reference lake (Paul) that naturally exhibits manipulated fish populations
Results Paul lake = dashed lines, Tuesday lake= solid line, vertical line = spring manipulation Source: Elser & Carpenter 1988
Results After Manipulation: Shift towards larger mean body size Before manipulation: larger zooplankton present at low levels Smaller sized species represent most of biomass After Manipulation: Shift towards larger mean body size Higher concentration of larger species than before
Invasive Predators Alosa pseudoharengus Dreissena polymorpha
Case Study: Beisner et al. 2003 Lake Champlain: Invasive Alewife is exploiting the Rainbow Smelt population Crystal and Sparkling Lake (WI): Invasive Rainbow Smelt is interfering with indigenous Alewife population Zooplankton data taken before and after the invasion was studied
Findings (D) = Daphnia, (CL) = non-daphnid cladocerans, (CAL) = Calanoid Copepods, (CYC) = Cyclopoid Copepods Source: Beisner et al. 2003
Zebra Mussels Solid line = Observed impacts, Dotted line = Potential impacts (+) = Taxa benefitting from zebra mussels, (-) = Taxa exhibiting adverse effects due to zebra mussels Source: MacIsaac 1996.
Possible Impacts on Zooplankton Reduction in zooplankton biomass Direct - ingestion of smaller taxa (copepod nauplii) May alter species composition Indirect - Filtration of suspended solids and phytoplankton could result in food limitation
Conclusions Large zooplankton populations are likely to decrease Reduce food sources for higher trophic levels Reduction of species dependent on large zooplankton Increase in species feeding on small taxa Significant changes in lake species composition!
Recommendations! Long term monitoring in Lake Champlain Efforts to decrease P loading Practice best management processes to reduce invasives and further disruption More $$ for research!!!
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