Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee to Assess Opportunities in International Collaboration on Plasma Science and Control Materials Science and Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee to Assess Opportunities in International Collaboration on Plasma Science and Control Materials Science and Technology Presented by Dale Meade UFA Meeting, APS-DPP, Salt Lake City, UT November 14, 2011

FESAC Panels formed in 2011 DOE issued charges to FESAC in July 2011 on: International Collaboration on Plasma Related Issues Materials Science and Technology Issues Reports due Jan 31, 2012 Next FESAC meeting is February 28-29, 2012

FESAC International Collaboration Panel 2011 Charge #1 What areas of research on new international facilities provide compelling scientific opportunities for U.S. researchers over the next 10 – 20 years? Look at opportunities in long-pulse, steady-state research in superconducting advanced tokamaks and stellarators; in steady-state plasma confinement and control science; and in plasma-wall interactions. - The explicit aim is to focus on the superconducting facilities in Asia and Europe, both existing and emergent.

FESAC International Collaboration Panel 2011 Charge #2 What research modes would best facilitate international research collaborations in plasma and fusion sciences? Consider modes already used by these communities as well as those used by other research communities that have significant international collaborations. - What lessons can we learn from other scientific fields, e.g. high energy physics, nuclear physics, others, that have had to undergo a transition and take on off-shore research significantly or nearly entirely - FESAC is encouraged to engage members of those fields and representatives from universities where international research efforts are successful, as well as where transitions to an off-shore emphasis have failed - Observations about national lab/university partnerships in new international collaborations will be highly valued. Again, what can other fields teach us?

FESAC International Collaboration Panel Members David Anderson, U. Wis., dtanders at wisc.edu, +1 (608) dtanders at wisc.edu Michael Bell, PPPL, mbell at pppl.gov, +1 (609) mbell at pppl.gov Richard Buttery, GA, buttery at fusion.gat.com, +1 (858) buttery at fusion.gat.com Jeffrey Harris, ORNL, harrisjh at ornl.gov, +1 (865) harrisjh at ornl.gov David Hill, LLNL, hilldn at fusion.gat.com, +1 (858) hilldn at fusion.gat.com Amanda Hubbard*, MIT, hubbard at psfc.mit.edu, +1 (617) hubbard at psfc.mit.edu Gerald Navratil, Columbia U., navratil at columbia.edu +1 (212) navratil at columbia.edu Robert Rosner*, U. Chicago, r-rosner at uchicago.edu, +1 (773) r-rosner at uchicago.edu George Tynan, UCSD, gtynan at ad.ucsd.edu, +1 (858) gtynan at ad.ucsd.edu Frank Wuerthwein,UCSD, fkw at ucsd.edu, +1 (858) fkw at ucsd.edu Wesley Smith, U. Wis., wsmith at hep.wisc.edu, +1 (608) wsmith at hep.wisc.edu Dale Meade*, Chair, FIRE, dmeade at pppl.gov, +1 (609) dmeade at pppl.gov * FESAC memberWeb site (use link in table)

Community Input is Solicited for the FESAC International Collaboration Panel Evaluation For example - 1) In addition to ITER, what are the most compelling opportunities for international collaboration on foreign facilities in the next 10 to 20 years? 2) What are the most compelling opportunities for international collaboration on domestic facilities in the next 10 to 20 years? 3)What criteria should be used to evaluate international collaboration opportunities? 4) Comment on the challenges faced by smaller university based research groups in pursuing collaborative research in fusion energy sciences. Short white papers suggesting compelling collaboration opportunities and modes of collaboration to be considered by the Panel can be submitted for the FESAC International Collaboration web site (sub-page of ) by sending the contribution to Dale Meade (dmeade at pppl.gov ).sub-page of at pppl.gov

FESAC Material Science and Technology Panel 2011 Charge What areas of research in materials sciences and technology provide compelling opportunities for US researchers in the near term and in the ITER era? Please focus on research needed to fill gaps in order to create the basis for a Demo and specify technical requirements in greater detail than provided in the MFE ReNeW (Research Needs Workshop) report. Also, your assessment of the risks associated with research paths with different degrees of experimental study vs. computation as a proxy to experiment will be of value. –Consider near- and long-term (~0 to 5, 5-15, and 15+ years); what can be done with existing facilities, new facilities, and emergent international facilities –Experiment & the role of computation: Identify 2-3 paths with varying emphases on massively parallel computing–what are the risks associated with each path? –Materials defined to encompass nuclear (dpa’s); non-nuclear (pmi); differential (single-effects) and integrated (multiple-effects) phenomena; harnessing fusion power –Among the important resources are FNS-PA documents (Chuck Kessel, leader)

FESAC Materials Sciences and Technology Panel NameInstitution Steve Zinkle*(chair) Zinklesj at ornl.gov ORNL Farrokh Najmabadi* najmabadi at fusion.ucsd.edu UCSD Rich Callis* callis at fusion.gat.com GA Kathy McCarthy* Kathryn.McCarthy at inl.gov INL Dennis Whyte MIT Richard Nygren Renygre at sandia.gov SNL-A George Tynan Gtynan at ucsd.edu UCSD NameInstitution Brian Wirth Bdwirth at utk.edu UT-Knoxville Rick Kurtz rj.kurtz at pnnl.gov PNNL Chuck Kessel Ckessel at pppl.gov PPPL Jake Blanchard blanchard at engr.wisc.edu UW Neil Morley morley at fusion.ucla.edu UCLA Scott Willms Willms at lanl.gov LANL/ITER Peter Lee lee at asc.magnet.fsu.edu FL State *FESAC member FESAC materials sciences web site:

Community Input is Solicited for the FESAC Materials Science Panel Evaluation Input is solicited on key scientific challenges that need to be resolved to create the basis for a Demo, particularly in the following topical areas: –Plasma-materials interactions, –nuclear degradation of materials and structures, and –fusion power conversion and tritium fuel cycle technologies. The contributions should focus on the scientific issue(s) to be resolved, rather than technical specifications of facility(ies) that might be important for resolving current engineering science barriers Short white papers or suggested scientific questions or issues to be considered by the subcommittee can be submitted to the FESAC materials sciences web site ( ) by sending the contribution to Farrokh Najmabadi (fnajmabadi at ucsd.edu ). at ucsd.edu –Questions regarding the scope of issues to be evaluated, and requests to present white paper issues at one of the weekly teleconferences, should be submitted to the subcommittee chair, Steve Zinkle (zinklesj at ornl.gov )zinklesj at ornl.gov

FESAC Panel Public Input Session International Collaboration in Magnetic Fusion What are the compelling opportunities? What are the challenges and barriers? What are the best modes of collaboration? Wednesday 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm Ballroom I, Salt Palace Convention Center