An Emerging Market People who have a Disability September 2013
The Facts 16% of Canadian population 1.9 million Ontarians Every community and neighbourhood 49% unemployed $4 billion annually on disability pensions “Labour shortages will be our number 1 economic problem” – Stephen Harper
Labour Shortages 1 Million worker shortfall by 2020 Conference Board of Canada 34% report shortage of skilled labour 13% report shortage of unskilled labour CFIB – spring 2011
Dispelling the Myths A DuPont study showed that 90% of workers who have a disability scored average or above average in performance ratings. A Harris study showed that 46% of employers say that workers who have a disability work harder than other employees. Most job accommodations cost less than $500. According to the DuPont survey, 86% of employees who have a disability have average to above average attendance records.
Dispelling the Myths 97% of workers who have a disability rate as average to above average in terms of safety on the job. People who have a disability, their families and close relations comprise 53% of the marketplace. Workers who have a disability are 5 times more likely to stay on the job than other workers. Less than 6% of people who have a disability use a wheelchair or scooter
Case Study: Tim Hortons 90 employees with a disability over 18 years Currently 40 on staff or 17% of workforce No WSIB claims in 18 years for employees w disabilities Lost time due to illness and absenteeism – 0 days/shifts in 2011 – 2 days in 2012 Turnover rate of 35% vs. 75 to 80% industry average – Avg cost of $4,000 per employee
Case Study: Walgreens SC Distribution Centre opened in 2007 People who have a disability represent 40% of workforce 20% higher productivity rating
Case Study: Walgreens CT 47% of Workforce Highest productivity rating in country 40% lower safety incident rate 67% lower medical treatment costs 63% lower time away 78% lower overall costs
Disability in the Workforce Other Benefits: – Improved employee moral – Enhanced management skill sets – Greater loyalty and dedication – Good corporate profile – Customers like it
Competitive Advantage Meeting your Labour Needs with Higher Productivity while Reducing cost and Reaching new markets equals Increased Profitability!
For more information please contact Joe Dale