Contaminants: Sources, fates, transport and impacts Conveners: Dale Norton, Scott Redman, Robie MacDonald PRR Facilitator: Kimbra Wellock Posters associated with this session: Bernadita Anulacion, Somatic growth rates and chemical contaminant levels in English sole from Puget Sound, WA Jack Bell, Development of a method for the analysis of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) in the San Juan Islands Neil Dangerfield, PCBs and PBDEs in sediments and blue mussels in the Strait of Georgia Margaret Dutch, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Puget Sound sediments - A baseline update ( )
Posters associated with this session: Margaret Dutch, Pharmaceuticals and personal care products measured in Puget Sound sediments Li-Jung Kuo, Atmospheric deposition of metals and combustion-derived aerosols to the surface of Puget Sound Deb Lester, Synthesis of toxic chemical loading studies in the Puget Sound Basin – Hazard assessment Lincoln Loehr, Mussel Watch data from Snohomish County illustrate spatial and seasonal trends Contaminants: Sources, fates, transport and impacts Conveners: Dale Norton, Scott Redman, Robie MacDonald PRR Facilitator: Kimbra Wellock
Posters associated with this session: Patrick Louchouarn, Historical inputs of combustion-derived Pb and Hg to watersheds of the Hood Canal, USA Chris Lowe, Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, illicit drugs and their metabolites in municipal wastewater Maggie McKeon, Observations of salt-wedge dynamics and sediment resuspension in the Duwamish Estuary Patrick Moran, Sediment contaminants in urban streams: Distribution and sources of pyrethroid insecticides Contaminants: Sources, fates, transport and impacts Conveners: Dale Norton, Scott Redman, Robie MacDonald PRR Facilitator: Kimbra Wellock
Posters associated with this session: Marie Noel, Contaminant-related alterations of genomics endpoints in Puget Sound harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) Jeffrey Stern, Temporal effects of cleanup remedy-related releases on fish tissue concentrations – Implications to net risk reduction goals using different cleanup approaches Hazel Walling, Response of stream invertebrate communities to metal- enriched leaf litter: An experimental approach James West, Time trends and ecosystem recovery targets for toxic contaminants in Puget Sound fish