Individual Subsystem Testing Report Northwest Nazarene University Advisor: Dr. Lawrence Chad Larson Ben Gordon Seth Leija David Vinson Zach Thomas Drew Johnson
Team Pictures Mission Overview Schedule Changes Since CDR Superhydrophobic Subsystem Electrical Subsystem Subsystem Integration Lessons Learned Conclusion
Dr. LawrenceDr. Parke
Chad LarsonBen Gordon
Zach Thomas
Seth LeijaAndrew Johnson
David Vinson Dale Wilson American Semiconductor Inc.
American Semiconductors Dale Wilson Electrical David Vinson Seth Leija Drew Johnson Superhydrophobic Mechanical Ben Gordon Chad Larson Zach Thomas Advisor Dr. Dan Lawrence Advisor Dr. Parke
Study the feasibility of using Superhydrophobic materials in the presence of high acceleration and vibrations for possible use on space missions. The material will be tested under an electron microscope pre and post flight to determine the condition of the surface. It is expected that the material will survive the flight and still be superhydrophobic.
Test Flexfet technology ◦ Viability in high radiation environment Test FleX technology ◦ Testing of hardware in high G environment Return useful data to ASI Provide low cost space launch opportunity to ASI
Superhydrophobic: ◦ Receive plates from Oakridge: Feb 15 ◦ Begin building aluminum enclosure: Feb 20 ◦ Begin building polycarbonate enclosure: Feb 20 ◦ Complete building and begin testing: Feb 27 ◦ Study SH with electron microscope: Feb 20- Feb 27 This is slightly behind where we had planned due to our design change and we are waiting for our plates from Oakridge to arrive.
Electrical: ◦ Get socket in mail: Feb 18 ◦ Finish Arduino code: Feb 20 ◦ Testing: Feb 22 ◦ Integrate with g-switch: Feb 28 ◦ Run Full Flight Test: March 4
The biggest change since the CDR is the removal of the “donut” which has been replaced with two aluminum boxes. This change was done because the box allows for our experiment to be looked at under an electron microscope. The details of this change are in the slides below. Also, the PCB is no longer needed.
Right now, the plates that are coated with different superhydrophobic materials are being shipped from Oakridge National Laboratory and should arrive later this week.
Superhydrophobic/Mechanical Subsystem ◦ Chad Larson Electrical Subsystem ◦ Seth Leija
Once the plates arrive, they will be looked at under an electron microscope at Boise State University. This will allow us to see what the material looks like before and after the flight to determine if it survived the rocket launch
Aluminum Box The new containers for the superhydrophobic plates are made out of a solid piece of aluminum. The superhydrophobic plate will slide into place inside the container and then the box will be sealed with an O-ring and screwed down.
O-Ring Slits that hold the SH Plates Screws on the outside of the O-ring Solid Aluminum Box
Polycarbonate Box On the outside of the Aluminum box, will be a box made of polycarbonate that is made using screws and sealed with a silicon based sealant.
Hardware o Hardware has been assembled o Preliminary tests have been successful Successfully writes inputs and outputs to txt files (ASCII) o Currently awaiting socket o Certain errors have occurred when saving to an SD card Files are deleted on ejection of SD card Software o Preliminary code to check for errors is working Takes input vectors in Matlab and outputs a vector containing error positions o Currently does not open files directly o Have not yet determined the best way to display errors
Inverter Chip TestArduino with Shield
Testing Hardware ◦ Arduino Mega 2560 ◦ Adafruit Datalogger Shield Stored on SD memory card Reasoning ◦ Expandability ◦ Ease of use ◦ User Community Resources How ◦ Outputs two text files ◦ Contains input data and output data
Using Matlab ◦ Ease of use ◦ Graphing How ◦ Reading data from files ◦ Analyze expected vs actual data ◦ Output pertinent information
G-Switch Arduino ASC Chip (Packaged) ASC Chip (Unpackaged) SD Card Clock Microcontroller Power Data Clock Power Supply
The two different experiments integration should not be too complex. The two boxes will be at the bottom of the canister, and then the electronics will be on a plate directly above it.
Your first design will NOT be your final design. Focus on trying to finalize design early on. Be flexible Splitting up the work into different “teams” is very beneficial… long as there is good communication. Be prepared to error check your code!
Superhydrophobic Plates are arriving this week! Building Enclosure for material is main goal. Electrical System is going smoothly. We gave a presentation to American Semiconductor, Inc. this last week!