Coaching and The Brain August 1, 2013 iNTERNAL iMPACT Jane Creswell, MCC
Physiology of the Brain Neural Networks Storing/Retrieving Information Agenda Physiology of the Brain Neural Networks Storing/Retrieving Information Fear Application to Coaching Graphic for FL Baptists, for Spiriual formation. One small pic of brain. iNTERNAL iMPACT | 2
The Brain 3 iNTERNAL iMPACT | Google brain pix: Colors of areas labeled. Key places: pre-frontal cortex, hypothalumus, amygdyla, Related to fear: Amygdyla Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes, ears, mouth, skin) Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process. In the next section, we'll take a closer look at how fear is created. iNTERNAL iMPACT | 3
The Brain in Your Hand Cortex Brain stem Limbic system Left side view Google brain pix: Colors of areas labeled. Key places: pre-frontal cortex, hypothalumus, amygdyla, Related to fear: Amygdyla Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes, ears, mouth, skin) Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process. In the next section, we'll take a closer look at how fear is created. Left side view From “Coaching With the Brain in Mind” by David Rock and Linda Page Front view iNTERNAL iMPACT | 4
The Cortex Sensory Cortex Motor Cortex Pre-frontal Cortex Rear Association area Google brain pix: Colors of areas labeled. Key places: pre-frontal cortex, hypothalumus, amygdyla, Related to fear: Amygdyla Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes, ears, mouth, skin) Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process. In the next section, we'll take a closer look at how fear is created. Limbic system Left side view iNTERNAL iMPACT | 5
Neural Networks Pix of neural networks? iNTERNAL iMPACT | 6
Retrieving, Storing, Retaining Info Will draw this iNTERNAL iMPACT | 7
Memory Structure iNTERNAL iMPACT | 8
Your Multiple Brains Cephalic Brain (50-100B neurons): Cognitive Perception Thinking Making Meaning Cardiac Brain (30-120K neurons) : Emoting Valuing Relational Affect Enteric Brain (200-500M neurons): Identity Self Preservation Mobilization iNTERNAL iMPACT | 9
Fear Thalamus: Determines where to send data Google brain pix: Colors of areas labeled. Key places: pre-frontal cortex, hypothalumus, amygdyla, Related to fear: Amygdyla Thalamus - decides where to send incoming sensory data (from eyes, ears, mouth, skin) Sensory cortex - interprets sensory data Hippocampus - stores and retrieves conscious memories; processes sets of stimuli to establish context Amygdala - decodes emotions; determines possible threat; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response The process of creating fear begins with a scary stimulus and ends with the fight-or-flight response. But there are at least two paths between the start and the end of the process. In the next section, we'll take a closer look at how fear is created. Thalamus: Determines where to send data Sensory cortex - Interprets sensory data Hippocampus – Memory; processes stimuli to establish context Amygdala - Decodes emotions; stores fear memories Hypothalamus - activates "fight or flight" response iNTERNAL iMPACT | 10
Pattern Matching and Metaphor P. 17 from 504 notes. Summary , key points. iNTERNAL iMPACT | 11
Key Brain Function Concepts Use it or Lose it The Brain is Changing Every Second Parts of the Brain Used Most Grow Strongest Free Will has Significant Impact Fear Inhibits Learning The Brain is a Pattern Matching System Metaphor: Most Readily Accepted Form of Learning P. 17 from 504 notes. Summary , key points. iNTERNAL iMPACT | 12
Application to Coaching Developing the Relationship Coaching Presence Active Listening Powerful Questions Direct Communication Creating Awareness Designing Actions Managing Progress and Accountability Website resource list Book list Websites for further reading Websites sources for pictures iNTERNAL iMPACT | 13
Resources for Coaching and the Brain: Books A User’s Guide to the Brain - by John J. Ratey, MD The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science – Norman Doidge Brains: How They Seem to Work – Dale Purves Cellular Wisdom for Women – Joan C. King Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice – David Rock and Linda Page Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders – Srinivasan S. Pillay Your Brain at Work – David Rock Using Your Multiple Brains to Do Cool Stuff – Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu Website resource list Book list Websites for further reading Websites sources for pictures iNTERNAL iMPACT | 14
Resources for Coaching and the Brain: Web The NeuroLeadership Institute The Lunbeck Institute; Images of the Brain How Stuff Works: The brain’s response to fear Website resource list Book list Websites for further reading Websites sources for pictures iNTERNAL iMPACT | 15