Task Force Report Transportation Knowledge Networks
Leni Oman (WSDOT-Region 4), TF Chair Camille Crichton-Sumners (NJ DOT-Region 1) Lynn Matis (MA DOT-Region 1) Sandy Brady (LTRC – Region 2) JT Rabun (GA DOT – Region 2) Cynthia Gerst (OH DOT – Region 3) Daniel Yeh (WI DOT – Region 3) Dave Ahlvers (MoDOT – Region 3) Ron Curb (OKDOT – Region 4) Dale Steele (AZDOT – Region 4) Members
Mary Moulton (RITA NTL) Dawn Vanlandingham (FHWA) Lisa Loyo (TRB) Vacant (CUTC) Vacant (TRB LIST) Amanda Wilson RITA NTL (NTKN) Lynn Matis, MA DOT (ETKN) Laura Wilt, OR DOT (MTKN) Karen Perrin, IL DOT (MTKN) Affiliates
Sue Sillick, MTDOT Rita Evans, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley Kendra Levine, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley Sena Loyd, Nevada DOT Librarian Betty Ambler, CTDOT Librarian John Cherney, Wisconsin DOT Bob Cullen, AASHTO Frances Harrison, SpyPond Partners Anita Vandervalk, Parsons Brinkerhoff Kathy Szolomayer, WSDOT Andy Everett, WSDOT Gordon Kennedy, WSDOT Jeff Mixter, OHDOT Ida Van Schalkwyk, CH2M Hill 33 Friends/14 Active Jennifer Boteler, FHWA TFHRC Librarian Sandra Tucker, Texas A&M Librarian Anita Vandervalk, Parsons Brinkerhoff Roberto Sarmiento, Northwestern University Tommy Nantung, INDOT Marie Manthe, KSDOT Chris Hedges, TRB Jennifer Rosales, TRB Tom Palmerlee, TRB Anne Ellis, AZDOT Jim McDonnell, WisDOT Moy Biswas, NC DOT Glenn Roberts, NH DOT Nelda Bravo, FHWA Maureen Hammer, VADOT Shashi Nambisan, ISU Tim Klein, RITA Rick Collins, TxDOT Sandra Larson, IADOT
CUTC Rep What are the data and information needs of the researchers? How are information products produced by universities shared within the transportation community? How do we help practitioners find experts and facilities? TRB Library & Information Science for Transportation Rep Many members and friends are involved with LIST but we don’t have an official representative Need to develop/formalize connections with: TRB Special Task Force on Data for Decisions and Performance Measures Data Section/Data Committees TRB Task Force on Knowledge Management Others? Membership Needs
TKN Video Thank you, Ron and OK DOT! Distributed to RAC, posted to AASHTO TV and YouTubeAASHTO TV Informational Papers Bibliographic Database vs. Library Repository: TRID and NTL ( Completed. Authors: Laura Wilt, OR DOT & Lynn Matis, MA DOT co-lead) Using the TRT to Catalog Data (Completed. Author: Andy Everett, WSDOT) Information Portals: Perspectives, Planning, and Practices (Completed. Authors: AJ Million MO DOT; John Cherney, WisDOT; Bob Cullen, AASHTO) Recent Accomplishments
Knowledge Networks reference in MAP-21 Research problem statements Two problem statements vetted by the TKN TF resulted in NCHRP (active) Reviewed e-publications research need, opted out Information Sharing Climate Change Clearinghouse guidance updated Collaboration With other groups through members and the TKN Chairs NTKN Meeting July 19th TKN (NTKN, ETKN, MTKN,WTKN, AASHTO RAC) Chairs meet monthly. LIST, Library Connectivity TPF, and SLA- Transportation Division being added More Recent Accomplishments
Research Report Management: Repositories: State of the practice & recommendation (active, Dale Steele, AZ DOT lead) Distribution strategies (active, Sena Loyd, NV DOT lead) Quality (active – with RAC-CUTC) Formats (pending, have team members, need a lead) Outreach: Communication plan (active, Kathy Szolomayer, WSDOT, and Lynn Matis, MA DOT co-lead ) Reports to RAC & SCOR (ongoing) Goals and Activities
Information best practices Collating Calendars (active, Laura Wilt, OR DOT & Cynthia Gerst, OH DOT co-lead) Research websites and information architecture (in discussion) Data Management Will assist Safety Information Workshop recommendations Information Sharing International Information Workshop prep and outcomes Webinar/outreach plan (active, Andy Everett, WSDOT, Mary Moulton, RITA NTL, Frances Harrison) Goals and Activities
Team Lead for Research Report Format Update Task FHWA point of contact for the official process Team Lead for Research Information Workflow Can we value stream map the process? Need Research managers, librarians and website Information we can always use: Information tools and resources you like that you think we should do more of Priority information needs – what needs help first Advocacy – help people understand information doesn’t manage itself and that we can improve by working together Help Wanted
Next meeting: August 9, 2012, 8:30 AM PDT Continuing tasks with input from this meeting Follow up from NTKN Meeting: expanded “steering committee” and work plan Next Steps
Monthly conference calls First Thursday of each month One hour: 8:30 to 9:30 Pacific Time GoTo Meeting and VoIP/conference line You’re welcome to: Listen in Participate Send your ideas on needs or opportunities Contact Leni Oman 360- Meetings
Timeline of TKNs In the beginning were: SLA- Transportation Division, TRB LIST ABG40 and the National Transportation Library Oct 05 – Still Active Transportation Library Connectivity Study Aug 10 – Dec 12 NCHRP Improving Management of Transportation Information Jan 06 TRB Spec Rpt 284 TKNs: A Management Strategy for the 21 st Century July 07 RAC TKN TF NCHRP Rpt 643 Implementing TKNs 2009 Aug 07 WTKN Apr 04 TL Cat Nov 08 ETKN Jun 03 Scoping Study for National Strategic Plan for Transportation Information Management 2001 MTKN Pilot Jun 12 MAP-21 mentions TKNs