ACROSS-BREED TABLE 2004 with year 2002 Angus base Dale Van Vleck Larry Cundiff
Basic Information 1)Breed of sire solutions from MARC Represent samples of sires 2)EPD from breed associations EPD for animals born in 2002 EPD for bulls used at MARC Difference represents "what if“ year 2002 bulls had been used at MARC
3)Adjust MARC solutions to year 2002 MARC (ADJ) = MARC + b (EPD 02Y - EPD MARC ) Compares breeds as if had been year 2002 sires 4)Difference EPD for bull i from EPD 02 (breed Y) MARC (ADJ,Y) + [EPD(Y,i) - EPD 02Y ]
5)Table adjustment for breed Y bull relative to breed X (Angus) bull: [MARC (ADJ,Y) - MARC(ADJ,X)] minus [EPD 02Y - EPD 02X ]
6)Compare individual bulls (i, j, k) i, breed Y j, breed Z k, breed X (Angus) Table for Y+ EPD(Y, i) Table for Z+ EPD(Z, j) 0+ EPD(X, k) (Angus)
MARC Breed of Sire Solutions Calves from another breed of dam Angus Hereford AN, HE, BR to MARC III (PI, RP, HE, AN) SI, LI, CH, GE, BS, BM to MARC III Red Angus to HE, AN, MARC III BS, BM to AN, MARC III Need to adjust for lack of heterosis HE x HEAN x III AN x AN HE x III RA x ANBS x III BS x ANBM x III
IN 2004 British (HE, AN, SH, SD, RA)X (HE, AN) (HE, AN, RA) X (MARC III: HE, AN, RP, PI) Continental (BV, SI, LI, CH, GE, PI, TA, SA) X (HE, AN) (SI, LI, CH, GE) X (MARC III) Indicus (BRN) X (HE, AN, MARC III) (BRS:.375 BRN AN) X (AN, MARC III) (BFM:.50 BRN +.25 HE +.25 SH) X (AN, MARC III)
Preadjust to 100% heterozygosity Need estimates of Direct heterosis Maternal heterosis
1)From H by A diallels (HH, HA, AH, AA) Estimate direct heterosis; 3.0 lb for BWT 14.7 lb for WWT 30.4 lb for YWT 2)Adjust MWWT of cows from diallel for direct heterosis Estimate maternal heterosis; 23.0 lb for MWWT
3)Adjust BWT, WWT, YWT for lack of direct heterozygosity Include HH, AA calves Proceed with across-breed analyses 4)Adjust MWWT for lack of direct and maternal heterozygosity Include HH, AA cows Proceed with across-breed analysis
Contributions to Changes from 2003 National Cattle Evaluations Limousin base change Charolais, base and parameters Salers, inter breed base Others ?? YWT Last year mid-March for 2002 calves This year mid-April for 2002 calves For MWWT RA, with many more records (74 of 186) More HE, AN (160); SI, LI, CH, GE (75)
Critical calculation — Breeds as of 2002 Differences from 2003 update Reflect changes in breeds and changes in analyses General, Angus more similar to others Others, little relative change
BWT to Base Year (2001 and 2002) Breed Breed Hereford4.54.6Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn7.07.0Pinzgauer South Devon4.14.1Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental6.95.7Red Angus Limousin4.54.3Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
WWT to Base Year (2001 and 2002) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon3.73.8Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin1.90.6Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
YWT to Base Year (2001 and 2002) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
MILK to Base Year (2001 and 2002) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin Braunvieh Charolais Update
BWT: Table Factors to Compare EPD of Bulls of Different Breeds (2004) Breed Breed Hereford3.33.4Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn7.87.8Pinzgauer South Devon6.76.7Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental6.46.4Red Angus Limousin5.84.5Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
Example: BWT Breed EPDTableEPD Angus =2.6 Simmental =9.6 Red Angus =4.2 If Breed Across-Breed
WWT: Table Factors to Compare EPD of Bulls of Different Breeds (2004) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
YWT: Table Factors to Compare EPD of Bulls of Different Breeds (2004) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin Braunvieh Charolais Brangus Beefmaster Update
MILK: Table Factors to Compare EPD of Bulls of Different Breeds (2004) Breed Breed Hereford Maine-Anjou Angus0.00.0Gelbvieh Shorthorn Pinzgauer South Devon2.13.5Tarentaise Brahman Salers Simmental Red Angus Limousin Braunvieh Charolais2.02.6Update
ACROSS-BREED TABLE 2004 with year 2002 Angus base Dale Van Vleck Larry Cundiff
Breed EPD (-2 years)BWT Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA
MARC ADJUSTED (year - 2)BWT Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA
Breed EPD (-2 years)WWT Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA
Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA MARC ADJUSTED (year - 2)WWT
Breed EPD (-2 years)YWT Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA
Breed Year of update HE AN SH SI LI CH GE SA MARC ADJUSTED (year - 2)YWT