Key components of quality management system and further challenges


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Presentation transcript:

Key components of quality management system and further challenges Blagica Novkovska, State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Vienna, Austria, 2-5 June 2014)

C O N T E N T 1. Introduction 2. Quality management framework REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE C O N T E N T 1. Introduction 2. Quality management framework 2.1. Self-assessment based on EFQM 2.2. Peer Review 2.3. Metadata and quality management - Metadata driven production system 2.4. The Euro-SDMX structure (ESMS) 2.5. Statistical business process model 2.6. Staff satisfaction surveys and customer satisfaction survey 2.7. DESAP – the European Self Assessment Checklist for survey managers In this presentation I would try to summarize briefly SSO steps for promotion and implementation of the Generic statistical business process model.   To show how the adopted model fits logically within the activities and already established good practices in the office, I’ll give short historical introduction for two IT systems. They were built around the Catalogue of activities as our proxy business process model in the past. Coming back to present, business process model adaption and the impact on standardization will be shown on two examples: Documentation of metadata flows Creation of New catalogue of activities And finally, an example of mapping between SBPM and European Code of Practice will be presented. 3. Strategic documents and commitment to quality 4. Future challenges

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE INTRODUCTION SSO vision - to be recognized as an institution that provides high quality, timely and relevant statistical information by adhering to the 15 principles of the EU CoP Before adoption of GSBPM at SSO, there were two attempts to describe the statistical production process. From today’s perspective both can be viewed as a proxy for the statistical business process model.   The first, not structured description of activities was Catalogue of activities by statistical task. This document was created for the needs of compilation the Annual Statistical Programme timeframe and is used since 2007. Next attempt to describe the production process was creation of Catalogue of activities for the activity based time recording. This one was created by implementing bottom up approach, activities were structured and classified, the scope was extended and overhead activities were included.

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE INTRODUCTION Quality framework based on permanent self-assessment for progress monitoring Commitment for continuous improvements is monitored through the fulfillment of the indicators associated to certain principles of the CoP Before adoption of GSBPM at SSO, there were two attempts to describe the statistical production process. From today’s perspective both can be viewed as a proxy for the statistical business process model.   The first, not structured description of activities was Catalogue of activities by statistical task. This document was created for the needs of compilation the Annual Statistical Programme timeframe and is used since 2007. Next attempt to describe the production process was creation of Catalogue of activities for the activity based time recording. This one was created by implementing bottom up approach, activities were structured and classified, the scope was extended and overhead activities were included. 4

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Top-down quality management framework – EFQM CAF EU CoP Peer Review Bottom-up approach Survey quality reporting DESAP The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Self-assessments based on EFQM REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Self-assessments based on EFQM The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 6

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Peer Review REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Peer Review The main findings of the peer review team were: “Quality is considered to be a high priority of the SSO. Key office documents confirm the commitment of the management regarding quality issues….” “The SSO places great emphasis on the quality of the data produced. Key documents published by the SSO (e.g. the vision of the SSO) confirm the SSO’s commitment to quality….” The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 7

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Metadata and quality management REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Metadata and quality management Basic principle - re-usability of metadata Building of the metadata system - creation of standardized documents (used in Annual programme): Catalogue of Tasks Catalogue of Activities Metadata Strategy - development of a metadata driven production system The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 8

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Metadata driven production system REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Metadata driven production system Implementation of advanced technologies based on statistical metadata driven approach for statistical information production and dissemination System for supporting automated data collection (eStat) - realization of the first priority task First step in process-oriented data production approach The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 9

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The Euro-SDMX structure (ESMS) REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The Euro-SDMX structure (ESMS) ESMS structure includes data quality information - once statistics are documented, one can easily build predefined quality reports The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 10

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Statistical business process model REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Statistical business process model The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 11

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Staff satisfactions surveys and customer satisfaction surveys Staff Satisfaction Survey - Communication with staff and exchange of views on improving different aspects of an organization of work User Satisfaction Survey – created web questionnaire provided information about the users’ habits in the use of statistics, their opinions on the statistics and on the principles of the EU CoP. The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 12

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DESAP - the European Self Assessment Checklist for survey managers DESAP self-assessment questionnaire has been implemented as a pilot project with two selected surveys – HBS and Construction Survey DESAP translated and adapted to the SSO statistical business process model DESAP will be implemented on new surveys and on regular surveys with major quality issues The two systems briefly presented have been developed independently without considering the option of possible integration. Adopted SBPM looked like being the missing loop in the chain which has been recognized by the members of the metadata working group. This group is established at SSO by the director general and strongly supported for dealing with metadata issues including promotion and adaptation of the SBPM model.   During this process, all the phases and activities classified in the Catalogues of Activities were analyzed and compared with the GSBPM. Based on the results of the analyses and taking into account the particularities and requirements of the Office, SSO SBPM was drafted. First areas for implementation were more than obvious: Documenting processes and Creation of new catalogue of activities that will replace both previously mentioned 13

Quality Policy - based on several pillars: REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS AND COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Quality strategy and quality policy Quality Strategy - determine the activities and indicators for creating a quality monitoring and assessing system Quality Policy - based on several pillars: EU CoP User orientation, Measuring the quality of statistical data and processes, Strengthening the cooperation with data providers, Human resource development, Total Quality Management Rational use of available resources This picture shows the user interface of the IT system for management of the Annual Statistical Programme. On the top are fields for providing supplementary information. On the right some additional metadata are provided and information about the coverage. And finally the central part is the Catalogue of activities by statistical task. The catalogue is not structured, activities are listed in chronological order as the production process is going on. In the process of annual planning for every activity deadline has to be filled. Usually this is done for the new surveys, but also when we find that timeliness should be improved. Depending on the auxiliary information for the survey certain fields will be permitted for data entry or not.

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS AND COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Statistical confidentially - access to micro data This picture shows the user interface of the IT system for management of the Annual Statistical Programme. On the top are fields for providing supplementary information. On the right some additional metadata are provided and information about the coverage. And finally the central part is the Catalogue of activities by statistical task. The catalogue is not structured, activities are listed in chronological order as the production process is going on. In the process of annual planning for every activity deadline has to be filled. Usually this is done for the new surveys, but also when we find that timeliness should be improved. Depending on the auxiliary information for the survey certain fields will be permitted for data entry or not. Managing statistical confidentiality and microdata 15

FUTURE CHALLENGES SSO’s Quality Policy – Guidance for: REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE FUTURE CHALLENGES SSO’s Quality Policy – Guidance for: Rational use of available resource Measuring quality of statistical data and processes Total quality management It has been relatively short time since we are looking at the model. In the beginning the SSO staff reaction was ”So, what? This is a description of something that we already knew, only done much better than we did in our Catalogues”. During discussions and brainstorming sessions, a new perspective has been opened and it has been recognized that GSBPM is much more than simple description of production steps. For the time being we find it as valuable support for proper planning and evaluation. GSBPM is truly flexible and multipurpose tool but to achieve the full benefit major changes in the statistical information system are necessary. In our daily work we are continuously discovering new ways and fields where it could be used. But from the short implementation experience we have learned that the process from concept development until practical implementation is not an easy one.  

FUTURE CHALLENGES Main fields of action: REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE FUTURE CHALLENGES Main fields of action: Integrated IT system (eStat) put into daily practice Process change management Further process standardization based on the SBPM Benchmarking of comparable statistics Quality assurance – development of procedures for monitoring quality of processes Self-assessment tool for the survey managers (DESAP) It has been relatively short time since we are looking at the model. In the beginning the SSO staff reaction was ”So, what? This is a description of something that we already knew, only done much better than we did in our Catalogues”. During discussions and brainstorming sessions, a new perspective has been opened and it has been recognized that GSBPM is much more than simple description of production steps. For the time being we find it as valuable support for proper planning and evaluation. GSBPM is truly flexible and multipurpose tool but to achieve the full benefit major changes in the statistical information system are necessary. In our daily work we are continuously discovering new ways and fields where it could be used. But from the short implementation experience we have learned that the process from concept development until practical implementation is not an easy one.   17

Thank You for Your Attention! REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Thank You for Your Attention!