Overview of the education statistics in the Republic of Macedonia (in the State Statistical Office and Ministry of Education and Science), respective challenges and resources, policy directions and priorities Belgrade, 6 – REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE
Тhe key education data providers REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE - The State Statistical Office - The State Statistical Office - Ministry of Education and Science - Ministry of Education and Science
State Statistical Office - collect, process and disseminate statistical data - primary bearer and coordinator of the statistical system - define methodologies and standards - responsible for international cooperation, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE has a central role in the future development of the Republic of Macedonia. It means: an increase of intellectual capacity, skills and competencies of all citizens, poverty reduction, economic development, enabling increased and improved access and use of modern scientific and technological resources the Ministry supports the following basic principles: transparency in work and dissemination of results; connection with educational system; connection with the economy; non-governmental sector and other entities related to education and science. responsible for preparation of laws and regulations in the area of education and science; monitoring and study of the EU legislation in the area of education and science Ministry of Education
Primary and Lower secondary education - situation at the beginning/ end of the school year Upper Secondary education - situation at the beginning/ end of the school year Tertiary Education - enrolled students in the academic year - graduated students in the current year - teaching staff in higher education institutions REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Education statistics scope
Data collected REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE For schools - type of school, ownership, school libraries (fond of books and language edition), food and transportation. For students - number of students by shifts, classes/year of study, by gender; age; ethnic affiliation and citizenship; field of study-general/ vocational; full-time /part-time students, study of a foreign language (mandatory and optional), students who have left education-drop outs etc. For teaching- staff -gender; age; ethnic affiliation and citizenship; type of employment- full-time / part-time; level of education etc.
Level of harmonization REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE - Comparability in accordance with the ISCED 97 (educational levels and fields of study) is fully achieved SSO meet the requirement of number of international questionnaires: - On annual level, SSO provides UOE Data Collection Tables (since 1997) and other additional - questionnaires from -UNESCO, OECD, Eurostat - the SSO provides the part for non-finance data of the UOE questionnaire, while the Ministry of Education and Science is a responsible institution for the financial data of education
Data availability REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE - Data are released through annual Reports and Statistical Reviews/Publications on web site and in paper form - Statistical Yearbook, Macedonia in figures, Gender statistic, Regional yearbook and other special editions - Institutions and international organisations, independent researchers, students can use on -line Makstat database ( All educational data are available on our web site: ( and they are free of charge
Challenge REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE - Improvement of the current data collection system -Data collection on education expenditure -Implementation of new ISCED 2011
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE Challenge Permanent staff capacity strengthening in MOE for carrier development Harmonization with standards for primary, secondary and tertiary education Reform of the vocational education, two year and three year Strengthening of international and regional cooperation Modernization of the curricula plans in the primary and secondary education by introduction of innovation and entrepreneurship elements Development of adult education activities Analyses and planning of activity for developing training program for teachers for key competences in career development