By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager European Development Cooperation. Opportunities and best practices.


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Presentation transcript:

By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager European Development Cooperation. Opportunities and best practices

Contents of the presentation: - Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme - ALDA, the network of LDAs and the methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation - WTD Working Together for Development - La Basse-Normandie et la Macédoine By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager

Project identification Non State Actors and Local Authorities Art. 14 DCI Successor of NGO co-financing & Decentralized Cooperation 702 m € for Global coverage NSA & LA eligible - at least 85% of the programme’s fund reserved to NSA More funds will be reserved for LAs in the next MFF (

Project identification Non State Actors & Local Authorities (NSA & LA): Main Objective Objective 1: Inclusive and empowered society a. In-country operations: 82 targeted countries b. Global, multi-country and regional operations Objective 2: Public awareness and education for development in Europe Objective 3: More efficient cooperation between CSOs’ and LAs’ networks Gastos de apoyo Support measures 17 m € (2,5%) Objective 3 17 m € (2,5%) Objective m € (102%) Objective m € (83%)

Project identification indicative financial allocation by region Middle East (1.75%) ENPI (6%) Latin America (20.5%) Asia (19.5%) ACP (51.5%)

Project identification Calls for Proposals: where to find info? services/index.cfm?ADSSChck= &do=publi.welcome&userlanguage=en

Contents of the presentation: - Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme - ALDA, the network of LDAs and the methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation - WTD Working Together for Development - La Basse-Normandie et la Macédoine By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager

Project identification THE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL DEMOCRACY AGENCIES is an international NGO, founded in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to coordinate a network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) already in existence since Today, ALDA is an European network of local authorities and NGOs that uses the methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation and an a unique platform in Europe that foster cooperation between local authorities and civil society organizations. The Headquarter is in Strasbourg. Other offices are located in: Brussels, Vicenza (Italy), Subotica (Serbia), Skopje (Macedonia).

Project identification THE NETWORK OF ALDA MEMBERS

The Local Democracy Agencies

What are the Local Democracy Agencies? - are locally registered NGOs - are based on an international partnership between local and regional authorities and NGOs - are aimed at promoting civil society and local democracy in the wide sense of the term - are aimed at setting up a permanent presence in the host towns and regions.

The Network

The methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation (multi-actor & multi-level) The case of ALDA and the LDAs Local Authorities CSOs Local Communities Host Municipality Local NGOs Members of ALDA (LAs & CSOs)

Field of work and activities of the LDAs between 1993 – 2010

Contents of the presentation: - Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme - ALDA, the network of LDAs and the methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation - WTD Working Together for Development - La Basse-Normandie et la Macédoine By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager

A New Challenge for Local Authorities Associations and Civil Society Networks Project funded by the European Commission within the Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme Duration of the project: 30 months

WTD - geographical coverage

Project activities International level Thematic workshops; Seminars; Trainings on decentralised cooperation; Study visits; conferences; ect. National/Regional level National/regional workshops; National working groups Local level – re-granting scheme At least 40 local activities, supported through the re-granting to LAs, tackling the main topics of the project at the grassroots level

Partners: RAM - Regional Association of Municipalities "Central Stara Planina" – BG ; UBBSLA - Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities – BG; CIDEM – Civisme et Démocratie – FR; FISPMED - International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight Against Poverty in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea area – IT; TECLA Associazione per la cooperazione transregionale, locale e europea – IT; LALRG - Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments – LV; LSA - Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania – LT; LCA - Local Councils' Association – MT; CEECN - Central Eastern and European Citizens Network – SK; UTC - The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia – SK Associates: Albanian Association of Municipalities – AL; Communities Association of Armenia – AM; Croatian Institute for Local Government – HR; NALAG - National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia – GE; New Israel Fund – Shatil – IL; Association of Kosovo Municipalities – KS; ZELS - Association of the Units of Local Self- government of the Republic of Macedonia – MK; BCSDN - Balkan Civil Society Development Network – MK; The Citizens' Pact for South Eastern Europe – SRB; YÖNDER - Association of Local Government Managers – TR; Union of Municipalities of Marmara – TR

Launch of the Alliance on 28th March 2012

Main features of WTD Alliance Multi-actor and multilevel approach: -create synergies among all the involved stakeholders, trying to coordinate their joint work and make their joint actions more effective. Specific geographical focus: -main focus in the new Member States and in the European neighbourhood, including the IPA countries Ownership: - direct responsibilities to its Members; strong local dimension (re-granting); elections of co-chairs

Contents of the presentation: - Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme - ALDA, the network of LDAs and the methodology of multilateral decentralized cooperation - WTD Working Together for Development - La Basse-Normandie et la Macédoine By Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager

Main Objectives: - support the accession of Macedonia to the European Union respecting the adoption of the Acquis Communautaire - reinforce the capacity of local authorities to implement the decentralization process, to mobilize citizens and to ensure that the development is sustainable Financial Support from the Region and from the French MFA. Coordinated by ALDA

6 Components of Cooperation 1. Digital technologies and media at service of local governance: 2. Youth active citizenship on local level 3. Defined a shared methodology for inventory of cultural heritage 4. Capacity building of stakeholders in the field of culture 5. Support and promote sustainable tourism 6. Strengthening the network of Balkan farmers for sustainable agricultural development

Who is involved Multi-actor and multilevel approach: -Regional and central government -Municipalities -NGOs (youth, environmental, rural development ect.) -Academia (Univiersities and Think Thanks) Cross Fertilization processes Citizens involvement

Main results: Cooperation of municipalities: the way to European citizenship The main result obtain in previous three years of the project are the agreements for cooperation between French and Macedonian municipalities. Equitable regional Development in Macedonia The initiation of regional development in Macedonia is an important phase. In this context, the decentralized cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia gives its institutional support, experience and training.