Section Five: Alexander & the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Objectives/”I can statements” Explain how Alexander the Great created his empire.
I. The Threat of Macedonia Macedonia northern neighbors Did not live in city-states Viewed as barbarians
The Threat of Macedonia 359 B.C., Philip II king of Macedonia *Crushed the Greeks at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 B.C. Wanted to conquer Persia, but was assassinated
II. Alexander the Great *Alexander the Great was the son of Philip II Became king at age 20 Educated by Aristotle Envisioned a world of mixed cultures
Alexander the Great ( BC)
Alexander the Great Married two Persian princesses His father taught him military tactics & leadership
A. Alexander’s Conquests By 331 B.C. he had conquered Persia Established the city of Alexandria in Egypt In 326 B.C. he crossed the Indus River
Alexander’s Conquests Soldiers refused to fight, so he agreed to return home Died in Babylon, exhausted from wounds, fever & alcohol
B. The Legacy of Alexander Courage & mastery of military tactics His example inspired men to follow him *Due to his conquests, Greek language, architecture, literature & art spread throughout Southwest Asia & the near East
III. The Hellenistic Kingdoms *Alexander created a new age, the Hellenistic Era, “to imitate Greeks” *The expansion of the Greek language & ideas to the non- Greek world of Southwest Asia & beyond
Four Hellenistic Kingdoms 1. Macedonia 2. Syria 3. Pergamum, in western Asia 4. Egypt
IV. Hellenistic Culture Considerable cultural achievement Cultural center was Alexandria Alexandria library was the largest of its kind
A. Architecture & Sculpture Baths, theaters & temples Sculptors added realism & emotion
Greek Theater at Ahprodisias
B. Literature Appolonius of Rhodes epic poem Argonautica Story of Jason & the Golden Fleece Theocritus wrote short poems Expressed love of nature
C. Science *Eratosthenes, determined that Earth was round & calculated Earth’s circumference at 24,675 miles, an estimate that was within 200 miles of the actual figure
C. Science *Euclid, wrote the Elements, a textbook on plane geometry, this work has been used up to modern times
D. Philosophy *Epicurus, believed that happiness was the goal of life, the means to achieve happiness was the pursuit of pleasure, the only true good Epicureanism
Philosophy Zeno found Stoicism *Stoicism, happiness could be found only when people gained inner peace by living in harmony with the will of God