Ι. CHAPTER “Pet ownership / possession” 1
© VPRC : June 2013 PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION 2 Do you own any pet, dog or cat? (Total sample, %)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? (Total sample, spontaneous, multiple responses, %) PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to pet owners)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to gender)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? years old years old 55+ years old I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to age group)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? LowerMediumHigher I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to level of education)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? East. Macedoni a-Thrace Central Macedon ia West. Macedon ia EpirusThessaly Central Greece Wester n Greece Attica Pelopo nnese Ionian Islands North Aegean South Aegean Crete I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June Do you own any pet, dog or cat? UrbanSemi-urbanRural I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer PET OWNERSHIP / POSSESSION (According to urbanity)
ΙΙ. CHAPTER “Population of stray pets” 10
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... (Total sample, %) POPULATION OF STRAY PETS
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to gender)
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are years old years old 55+ years old Many / enough Few No stray pets DK/DA POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to age group)
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... LowerMediumHigher Many / enough Few No stray pets DK/DA POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to level of education)
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... East. Macedonia- Thrace Central Macedon ia West. Maced onia EpirusThessaly Central Greece Wester n Greece Attica Peloponn ese Ionian Islands North Aegean South Aegea n Crete Many / enough Few No stray pets DK/DA POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... UrbanSemi-urbanRural Many / enough Few No stray pets DK/DA POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to urbanity)
© VPRC : June According to your opinion, in your area of residence, would you say that stray pets (mainly dogs and cats) are... I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer Many / enough Few No stray pets DK/DA POPULATION OF STRAY PETS (According to pet owners)
ΙΙΙ. CHAPTER “Municipal Activity” 18
© VPRC : June According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? (Total sample, multiple responses, %) MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY
© VPRC : June According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? (Total sample, %) MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY
© VPRC : June According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to gender)
© VPRC : June years old35-54 years old55+ years old There are such actions No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to age group)
© VPRC : June LowerMediumHigher There are such actions No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to level of education)
© VPRC : June East. Macedonia- Thrace Central Macedon ia West. Maced onia Epirus Thessal y Central Greece Wester n Greece Attica Peloponn ese Ionian Islands North Aegean South Aegea n Crete There are such actions No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June East. Macedonia- Thrace Central Macedon ia West. Macedo nia Epirus Thessal y Central Greece Wester n Greece Attica Peloponn ese Ionian Islands North Aegean South Aegea n Crete Sterilizations Vaccinations Marking with special chip Cooperation with animal-friendly associations Cooperation with veterinarians Municipal veterinary clinic Special crew for stray animals' collection Special crew for dead animals' collection According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (analytically) 1/2 (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June East. Macedon ia-Thrace Central Macedonia West. Macedo nia Epirus Thessal y Central Greece Wester n Greece Attica Pelopo nnese Ionian Islands North Aegean South Aegea n Crete Creation of animal shelters Other No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed There are such actions, but they do not function well I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (analytically) 2/2 (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June UrbanSemi-urbanRural There are such actions No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to urbanity)
© VPRC : June I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals I do not answer There are such actions No, there is no service available concerning stray pets Municipality is totally indifferent towards stray pets I do not know if there are any actions realized / I am not informed I do not answer According to law, Municipalities must implement programs regarding pet treatment and care. From what you are aware of or have heard, does the Municipality in your area of residences realize any such actions for the protection of stray animals? (IF YES) What kind of actions? (Total sample, %) MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY (According to pet ownership)
ΙV. CHAPTER “Pet abuse” 29
© VPRC : June 2013 PET ABUSE 30 From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few? (Total sample, %)
© VPRC : June PET ABUSE (According to gender) From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few?
© VPRC : June PET ABUSE (According to age group) From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few?
© VPRC : June From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few? PET ABUSE (According to level of education)
© VPRC : June From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few? PET ABUSE (According to geographical area of residence)
© VPRC : June From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few? PET ABUSE (According to urbanity)
© VPRC : June I own a pet I once owned a pet, but not anymore I intend to own a pet I do not own a pet and do not intend to own any I do not like animals DA Yes No DK/DA From what you have heard or are aware of, are there any incidents of pet abuse (torturing, killing, poisoning) in your area? (IF YES) Would you say that these incidents are many, several or few? PET ABUSE (According to pet ownership)