His early life Born in 480 BC in the vicinity of Athens Died in 407/6 in Macedonia He came from a wealthy family. When young, he served as a cup- bearer for Apollo’s dancers, though later he grew to question the religion he grew up with He was married twice
Participation in theatrical competitions He firstly competed in the City Dionysia in 455(24 years old) and won 3 rd prize because he didn’t cater to the judges’ fancies. Only in 441 did he win 1 st prize. In all, he won only 4 1 st prizes and a 5 th was awarded after his death.
Works His works include: Alcestis, Media, Trojan Women, the Bacchae, Archelaus and Cyclops (the only complete satyr play today).
Later in life Accused of his liberal views but was saved because it was his characters who spoke heresy. Later, he was tried for impiety and left Athens. Moved to the court of the King Archelaus in Macedonia. There he wrote his play “Archelaus”. He died there in the winter of 407/6 probably due to the harsh Macedonian winter. TARGET OF ARISTOPHANES: He was a frequent target of Aristophanes. He appeared as a character in his plays where, after a poetry competition, the god opts Aeschylus instead.
His burial The Athenians entreated the king to send the dead body to Athens but he refused. He was buried with all respects in Pella but a cenotaph was also erected in Athens.
Innovations Enhanced the importance of intrigue in tragedy Introduced women on stage Created love drama
CHARACTERISTICS OF HIS PLAYS He critisized the social issues of the time. He usually relied on the deus ex machina to resolve his plays. He focused on the realism of his characters INFLUENCE: He formed the absolute model and pattern for the next tragedians but also for the poets of the New Comedy.