Marjan Miloshevic Danijela Miloshevic Technical Faculty Čačak - University of Kragujevac, Čačak, Serbia {marjan, Suzana Loshkovska Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Skopje, Macedonia
Quality of E-learning Certification approaches and quality schemes – BADEN Epprobate o Aim, objectives o Procedure o Self-assessment document o Evaluation Conclusion 2http://
E-Learning Formal educati on NON FORMAL EDUCATI ON LLL 3http://
The standard quality assurance (QA) procedures are not sufficient QA in e-learning is generally not a priority issue, even for QA agencies Numerous international projects were conducted to form a comprehensive, yet usable framework for quality assurance of learning. Specialized organizations have developed their own benchmarking procedures and tools and established labels as brands 4http://
There are several definitions of quality of e- learning, and each depends on its scope, objectives, focus and the methodology of the quality approach. In this context, quality of e-learning is related to all: processes, products and services for learning, education and training supported by the use of information and communication technologies 5http://
We need ◦ an unified label We have... ◦ Language issues ◦ Cultural differences ◦ Law issues 6http://
7 Label nameLevelReview processTypeReviewers UNIQUeUniversities Publicly documented, on site Quality markInternal E-xcellence University program Publicly documented; on- line and on-site (optionally) BenchmarkInternal ECBCheck University program Documents and accompanying web-site are in construction phase Quality MarkInternal SEVAQ+ Universities, Vocational studies Supporting documents and web-site are are available; on-line Self- evaluation tool Stakeholders (teachers, students,...) Procert Courseware for IT specialists Documents are not publicly available BenchmarkN/A epprobate General courseware Quality grid is public; review conducted on-line Quality Mark Internal and external
BAlkan Distance Education Network Formed as result of Tempus Project BASIC GOALS: ◦ Affirmation and use of professional knowledge via e- learning and distance education ◦ Tuning into The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) ◦ Development of informatics society in the region 8http://
Modernization of education by promoting regional and international cooperation Raising the level of pedagogical and technical knowledge Raising social awareness about the significance of e- learning and distance learning Fostering and cherishing research spirit in the field… 10http://
Education through professional and research seminars and summer schools Organization of professional lectures, trainings, symposiums and conferences with topics about e- learning and distance education Promotion of distance learning through cooperation and participation on manifestations of domestic, regional and international importance Participation in realization of projects at national, regional and international level Promoting and placing of innovative and creative professional and research solutions 11http://
Carrying out commercially readymade solutions, individual courses or moderation services Publishing activity from the primary and related fields Creating and continual improvement of electronic knowledge basis from the fields of e- learning and distance education Promotion of the lifelong learning concept Creating and realizing accredited programs for professional training of the employed in education 12http://
epprobate (from the Latin 'approbare', to approve) is the first international quality label for eLearning courseware The quality label is an initiative of three organisations: ◦ Learning Agency Network (LANETO) ◦ Agence Wallonne des Télécommunication (AWT) ◦ e-Learning Quality Service Center (eLQSC) 13http://
All kinds od courseware: ◦ Web based ◦ Mobile ◦ Blended ◦ Game based ◦ OER... Educational institutions ◦ Universities, High Schools ◦ Non-formal education facilities Individual courseware producers Companies… 15http://
Receive feedback and consultation Ensure compliance with state of the art quality measures Get international recognition for your courseware Increase the trust in your courseware 16http://
Since July BADEN is authorized to certify courseware at behalf of epprobate for Serbia, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro BADEN has two certified head reviewers... 17http://
Producers contact national partner (BADEN for Serbia, FYRM, Montenegro) First step is self-assessment Review is conducted by a 4 member TEAM, coordinated by head reviewer Target group is represented by one team member The review process is done using the epprobate quality grid 19http://
The team decision is built on a concensus There is intensive communication between producer and the team International awarding committee is responsible for the final decision about the awarding of the epprobate label 20http://
Review is not just a “tick list”! The feedback to the courseware provider is more important than simply a decision about the label
Criteria are organized into four main sections of the quality grid: ◦ Course design (Provision of course information, learning objectives; Constructive alignment) ◦ Learning design (Learner Needs; Personalisation; Instructional strategies) ◦ Media design (Media Integration; Interface; Interoperability and technological standards) ◦ Content (Accuracy and values of content; Intellectual property rights; Legal compliance) 22http://
23 For each topic the producer fills information in the following table Example
24 For each topic, each reviewer fills information in the following table There is no intention for any single criterion to be essential, but a courseware supplier in their self assessment document indicates to what extent they meet a specific criteria. To every characteristic is assigned a mark: A - Exceeds the requirements of the criterion B - Meets the requirements of the criterion C - Meets some but not all of the requirements of the criterion D - Fails to meet the requirements of the criterion
There is a certain progress made in quality assurance in e-learning. ◦ The challenges remains to be faced with, such as internationalization and usage of objective and comprehensive – yet not too complex – methodology. 26http://
Epprobate is an initiative that tries to handle mentioned challenges ◦ It is an international label, which engages numerous national partners, ◦ it treats e-learning at the courseware level, making the QA available to different types of producers (universities, education agencies, companies) and ◦ it uses a methodology that compounds all vital criteria through a well defined procedure 27http://