1 Global Impact on Education Thailand Turkey Philippines Korea India Japan Brazil Korea China Vietnam Taiwan Malaysia
2 Bringing Computing to 1.8 Million Students in India CHALLENGE Bring low-cost, low energy computing to 5,000 schools No reliable electricity SOLUTION Deployed 50,000 NComputing seats in 4 just months Small generator to power 1,000 watt lab (all computing/light/fan) RESULTS 1.8 Million students gained computer access $2M on NComputing saved $20M in power and support
Bringing Computing to Two Million Students in Pakistan CHALLENGE Bring low-cost, low energy computing to 4,286 govt schools No reliable electricity Hard to access SOLUTION 15 seat computing lab/ school 64,000+ NComputing seats Partnership with Punjab Province RESULTS Over 2 million students get computer access for first time Government saves Rs. 1.8 Billion Low electricity usage
4 Impact on Government – Employees State Insurance Corporation (India) CHALLENGE Build state-of-art IT system on Cloud Computing model Deploy computing stations at over 2,000 hospitals, clinics, and offices SOLUTION 30,000 NComputing seats across all offices, hospitals, clinics Partnership with Wipro InfoTech RESULTS Lowest cost computing 5 watt Green footprint Easy to install and manage ESIC Profile: Large insurance/healthcare organization Assists over 12 million beneficiaries Operates 144 hospitals and 1,388 clinics Runs 620 insurance branches
Realize Dream of 1:1 Computing – Macedonia CHALLENGE Join 21st century information economy and E.U. Limited funds/infrastructure, but desire for 1:1 computing SOLUTION 180,000 seats (20K PCs & 160K NComputing) Every public school in country Less than half the cost of next best option RESULTS 1:1 Student to Computer Ratio -- Best in the World 80% lower electricity Sustainable – only upgrade PCs “The Computer for Every Student initiative is the largest and the most important education undertaking in the 15-year history of the Republic of Macedonia.” - Ivo Ivanovski Minister for the Information Society “The Computer for Every Student initiative is the largest and the most important education undertaking in the 15-year history of the Republic of Macedonia.” - Ivo Ivanovski Minister for the Information Society
6 MKCL Phase One: 1,000 Centers Deployed Phase 2: All 5,000 Centers and 2,200 K-12 schools
Success Stories: Many more… Canon Large number of users utilized just a small fraction of their computer’s capacity. Employees required only basic office applications and the Internet. Replaced traditional desktops with L-Series access devices. Used savings to purchase LCD monitors to replace old CRT monitors. DHL Provided L-Series, eco-friendly computing to two DHL distribution centers with limited funds and staff. Cost savings allowed them to expand computing access and place workstations in more locations. Cut computing costs, simplified daily operations, increased space savings, reduced environmental impact. Valley Yellow Pages Valley Yellow Pages needed to give every account executive computer access. Installed the NComputing L-series in its sales offices. Each team of six to eight account executives had computing access to both their in-house and enterprise applications, all from shared server. Pollmeier Sawmill Needed reliable computing in harsh environment where industrial computers kept failing. Selected L-series virtual desktops to increase dependability and reduce maintenance costs. Reduced costs and downtime that is caused by the constant upkeep of traditional industrial computers. Success stories from satisfied customers:
Examples of NComputing Global Customers Republic of Macedonia More Than 100,000 Customers Worldwide
Manish Sharma Vice President, Asia Pacific Desktop virtualization: hardware and software Revolutionizing the economics of computing The greenest computing on earth 2,600,000+ seats in 110 countries in 3 years NComputing